Subject: Stop Eating 4-6 Meals a Day...Duh!


You only need to eat THREE MEALS A DAY.

That's it. End of story. Stop listening to the 4-6 meal pre day bullsh#t
from trainers relying on advice from muscle mags written twenty f@#$ing
years ago.

You're not a cow. You don't need to graze or snack to spark your

Every time you eat, you spike the chief fat storing hormone insulin.

Do the math.

More eating, more insulin. Even if it's a "small" meal.

Before I was "The People's Chemist," I worked in a lab making
medicine…On the side I made money charging pro-athletes ridiculous
amounts of money to help them prevent continuous fat gain, high blood sugar
and insulin resistance....

The simple solution was to un-brainwash them into believing they need to
eat so damn often…Duh.

Kaching, that will be $500/hr, please.

Unfortunately, many people have been conned into believing they need to
inhale 4-6 meals a day, plus snacks, plus whatever-the-f&ck else is on
the Internet to lose weight.

They insist, "I'm eating more meals to spark my metabolism!"

This is like trying to jam 100 gallons of gasoline into a car that only has
a 15-gallon tank, in hopes that "more fuel will spark the car's engine to

Even a fifth grader could tell you that won't work.

Your body only needs a certain amount of fuel each day, and it needs the
RIGHT kind of fuel to run efficiently....After that, IT USES HORMONES, NOT FOOD.

If you want to be LEAN…then you must de-program and de-condition all the
bullsh#it and false diet advice out of your mind forever. We are the
fattest country in the world, yet still hold tight to false data…how
stupid is our country?

All the stuff you learned from Jackass Fitness Guru 101…throw it away.

Start training yourself to only eat 3 QUALITY MEALS a day, spaced by 5-6
hours. This keeps insulin WAY DOWN…Insulin STORES fat, remember?

The less meals you have, the less insulin you
have. The less fat you have.

Not rocket science.

This is really simple...Tomorrow, a pro athlete I work with will weigh in
for his fight at 155lbs. He used to be 285 lbs.

It works.

Who knew I'd grow up to be the proprietor of "The Stop Eating So
F@#$ing Often" diet.


Here's more pearl:

If you're getting hungry between meals, you're not eating enough healthy
fats like avocados, coconut oil, butter, eggs, ethically raised meat and chicken.

Eating 4-6 meals per day isn't the only diet myth that can damage you!

In "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much" Diet book -
- I reveal 7 additional weight loss lies that can permanently harm you.

Read the rest of the lies by ordering the book here:

Stop grazing!

Dare to live young,

Shane Ellison

P.S. What should your 3 daily meals consist of? Glad you asked. For a
sample meal plan, see pgs. 81-82 from "The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much"
Diet. All meals listed are approved by The People's Chemist and will FORCE
your body to burn fat. You'll build sexy, lean muscle in no time. Order at