Subject: ~Stop Cancer from Invading Your Body

The best way to cure cancer is to never get it.

According to The World Health Organization,14 million new cancers are
diagnosed each year. They expect this number to reach 21 million by

That's a lot of unnecessary cancer.

"Cancer is not an inescapable fate. But while prevention can save millions
of lives much more cheaply than treatment, it remains an underfunded,
much-neglected weapon in the anti-cancer arsenal, experts say."

Damn right, prevention is underfunded and overlooked by the masses.

That's because drug makers PROFIT off people getting cancer. They
make a killing selling ineffective "chemo."

"Part of the reason is commercial—the pharma industry stands to make
little money from research into preventing disease," says

Ya think?

"In 2015, governments and patients spent $107 billion (99 billion euros) on
cancer drugs—an increase of 11.5 percent from 2014, according to the
Global Oncology Trend Report of the IMS Institute. The figure was expected
to grow to $150 billion by 2020, it said, a rise driven largely by the
expense of newer, more specialised drugs to which just a minority of
patients have access."

Here's the ugly truth:

If people truly knew how to be cancer-free, and acted upon that knowledge
daily — then there'd be ZERO need for costly chemotherapy.

Therefore, it's in Pharma's best interests NOT to win the war on
cancer…but to keep the war going.

Christopher Wild, director of the WHO's International Agency for Research
on Cancer (IARC), said: "Treating our way out of the cancer problem is not

"With prevention, on the other hand, as much as a third of cancers can be
avoided today."

True…but don't expect the government, media, drug companies, schools, or
anybody else to take this seriously.

You're the only one who can save yourself from cancer — by learning what
it takes to achieve total health. [See ]

The WHO wants to get more people into doctor's offices for "screenings" and
"early detection" (so they can sell you cancer drugs, vaccines, and other
shit you don't need)… but that's BS.

"The WHO unveiled new global guidelines, seeking to place more emphasis on
early cancer diagnosis and treatment," says

That's the wrong goal. Look for cancer, and you'll find it.

The right goal is to focus on creating HEALTH in your body, so that you
never get cancer in the first place.

My book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded reveals how to shield your
body from cancer, naturally. It has an entire chapter devoted to this

Zero drugs required… and no need to eat twigs or berries for the rest of
your life.

Simply follow the protocol outlined to create health all throughout your
body (while staying cancer-free!)

Order a copy for you & your loved ones:

Plus…for added protection, you can supplement with Daily Dose ( Loaded with turmeric, it ramps up your
bodies own ability to shut down cancer.

Daily Dose is a different kind of multi-vitamin…It contains the most
beneficial, naturally occurring nutrients required to fight cancer, as well
as increase energy, vitality, immunity, and longevity.

Each capsule provides your body with a wide array of naturally occurring

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- beta-carotene
- cobalt
- essential fats
- full-spectrum niacin
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- B vitamins
- Memory preserving boswellic acid
- … all of which are sourced directly from nature!

Stock up now at — Daily Dose is the only "health
insurance" you need!

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Despite the government trying hard to keep people stupid, and despite
all the blind support given to Big Pharma, and all the idiotic doctors who
continue pushing deadly drugs onto clueless consumers – YOU still have a
powerful weapon for health.

It's called Daily Dose.

Using ultra potent turmeric, curcumin extract, cayenne, boswellic acid and
bromelain, Daily Dose floods your body with all of the real, full-spectrum
antioxidant, memory boosting, anti-inflammatory and even anti-clotting
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invading your body!

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