Subject: ~Stop All Meds For Joint Pain, Now!


I remember when the FDA announced that Vioxx killed at least 27,000
patients. My jaw dropped. But more shocking was that there wasn't
a single doctor on the planet talking about the natural, safe alternative
for soothing aging, sore joints: Joint FX.

I designed it over a decade ago to ignite healing hormones within the body.

As a chemist, the ingredients were proven to be safe and effective.
And you could verify in any medical journal.

Sadly, the Vioxx scandal was proof that doctors aren't reading anything
but pharmaceutical sales material...they hyped Vioxx as the safest pain
killer of all time.

Even today, all prescription drugs used for pain are deadly...more deadly
than ISIS. More deadly than a rogue virus' the CDC is trying to scare you

Trash the meds, use Joint FX...Yes, this is a sales ploy to help you
live young. As a medicinal chemist, that's my business and I do it
very well. This morning's email from a recent fan is more proof:

"I am delighted to report that my chronically swollen ankle has been fixed
by your excellent supplement. Several shots of cortisone did not do the
trick, and one can’t take unlimited quantities of that anyway. I have RA
and didn’t know if the supplement would be effective. The ankle has been
sore and swollen for months. I am so grateful!"

Ditch the meds, use Joint FX. Order now at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist