Subject: ~Stink Award: Do You Take Vitamin D?



November 22, 2010

From The Desk of The People's Chemist

Do you take Vitamin D?

The most important Stinky Sulfur Award in the history of The People's has been launched! Your friends and family must read this because they will inevitably be looking for nutritional supplements in the New Year.

And, I need your comments! Whether you love it, or hate it, let your voice be heard. This causes the blog post to gain attention from media and Google. So please, after reading the introduction below, follow the link to the blog, and click on the comments section at the bottom.

Stinky Sulfur Award Warns about Unapproved "Vitamin D" Drug Disguised as Vitamin

By Shane “The People’s Chemist” Ellison, MS

The vitamin industry cannot be taken seriously. The well-known “Vitamin D Council” proves this. Their ability to shove falsified science down the throats of unsuspecting consumers makes even the most scandalous drug reps envious. Anyone who can crank out this much bogus shit without being tagged as con-artists deserves an award. Hopefully, consumers will reject “D propaganda” and regain their health before it’s too late.

The Vitamin D Council states that we need to raise our levels of “vitamin D.” But what are optimum levels and who defines them? Thanks to statistical contortionism, the real answers were buried faster than Dr. Oz drops down to give pharmaceutical fellatio. But if you can understand “greater than” and “less than” math, you can cut the crap...

Get the full blog post at


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