Subject: ~Stevia Warning!

Stevia extract is one of the most popular natural alternatives to
cancer-causing sugar. It’s 100% safe. I like it way better than xylitol
and erythritol, which are now coming from the labs of Big Pharma. (Forward
thinking companies like Zevia have phased them out.)

But the stevia plant is legit, if you can find the right product…

In addition to its clean, sweet taste, animal and human studies show that
stevia extract can help lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure. It has
also been shown to prevent and even reverse insulin resistance by helping
to clear glucose from the bloodstream.

To learn how to avoid poorly formulated products, click here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Replace your diabetic meds with this cinnamon and milk thistle
extract: - no side effects or medication interactions!
Watch your sugar, triglycerides and A1C plummet!ds