Subject: ~So Are You Really Exercising?

A recent blog by Obesity Panacea insisted that biking in Amsterdam is far
different than biking in the US. It positioned biking as the physical activity
Americans needed to lose fat - like our cousins from across the

Let me be clear.

If Americans were suddenly FORCED to ride their bikes more, it
wouldn't help their obesity problem, long-term.

That's because you can't OUT-TRAIN A BAD DIET.

And, let's be honest, American's have horrible diets!

It's so bad, that even eating "organic" and "healthy" has become
overtly unhealthy!

Today's organic markets are full of food carrying labels like, low-fat,
gluten-free, organic, vitamin D enriched, all-natural, and Paleo.

Fact is all of these packaged food and drinks are loaded with sugar,
synthetic vitamins (fortification), simple carbs, and void of healthy fats.

The end result is a sluggish metabolism and hormones gone awry!

When you're this messed up, the body DOES NOT RESPOND TO

In my book "The "Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet"
( I explain why this poor hormone function
can haunt you forever!

Exercise is NOT the panacea (i.e., the cure-all) for obesity.

If you think you are going to lose weight by exercising, without
fixing your hormones first, you're screwed.

Mastering your hormones, WITH 6 SIMPLE HABITS, is the real cure to

Start them now by investing 25 bucks into your future!


Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Contrary to popular belief, exercise is NOT the cure to obesity.
"You can't out-train a bad diet." And TOO much exercise can even
make you fatter. Find out how to do this correctly at