Subject: Snake Venom for BP Control?


Skyler's running around the house getting every ball he can find for the beach.  Lily is off to the gym to work on her Olympic lifting.  Blair is getting our workout gear together, I'm off to compete with the guys at Beverly Hills Jiu-Jitsu.

Mom is making breakfast and packing lunches, she just got done with an early morning, 18-minute Workout.  (Google it, it's FREE.)

Technically, everyone is on the playing field before most people wake up...All my kids love being on the "playing field."  It's what living is all about.

Most people will grow up and get sat on the bench by meds...That's because, doctors dole out blood pressure drugs as if they were sprinkling water over a dry lawn. 

And patients are always begging for a new one, insisting that "lower is better."

It's not.  In an interview with The New York Times, Dr. Suzanne Oparil, director of the vascular biology and hypertension program at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine affirms this, saying, “Medications that lower blood pressure can have effects that counteract some of the benefits. The mantra of blood pressure experts in the past has been that lower is better. Recent studies don’t seem to support that.”

Pretty pathetic.  Drugs are for sick people, not those crushing life...

A pharmacist emailed me early this morning to reiterate, "It's so sad that people who are suspicious of a car dealer don't question the ad they saw on TV about a drug. DUH PEOPLE!! It's all marketing, why is that so hard to understand? I had a boss, he was awesome, who said to every question I asked him, "The answer is money, what's the question?" That is truly the answer to anything you'll ever ask."

The whole system is backwards. Drug companies get rich…doctors are clueless about the dangers of the drugs…and patients take the fall.


This is especially true with blood pressure meds…Just tell someone they have a "family history" and bam, they're on their knees begging for meds.

There's a safer, more effective way to manage blood pressure…and it's called Cardio FX

Billy from Ellisville, Mississippi, wrote: "Thanks Shane, I am very happy with The People's Chemist products. They have gotten me off blood pressure meds and also off my shot that was taking 70 units daily. So keep up the good work and I will keep buying. It's cheaper than my meds I was taking. I have told friends about your products to help them get off their meds too. Again, thanks."

Billy is living young, courtesy of Cardio FX! Take this product and your blood pressure will plummet - WITHOUT you feeling like shit.

Can a drug do that? Hell no.

Did you know that blood pressure drugs like beta-blockers actually block receptors on your heart to prevent it from beating properly? Over time, heart rate slows, energy drops and obesity and diabetes follow.

What about ACE-Inhibitors? Did you know they are designed from snake venom? They relax arteries so damn much that heart failure is a common side effect…from Pharmaceutical Journal:

"While most hypertensive patients could cope with feeling a little dizzy, the combination of low blood pressure, deteriorating renal function and increased plasma potassium could result in arrhythmias and deaths in heart failure patients."

Overall, scientific journals from around the world have shown that people who take blood pressure meds are at a higher risk of DYING or being hospitalized for cardiac procedures...compared to those who stay off prescription drugs.

Researchers from The New York University School of Medicine monitored 44,000 people who were at risk for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). They wrote that the most common, nasty side effects of popular heart medications were:

- Fatigue
- Headache
- Upset stomach
- Weight gain
- Type II diabetes

See? Drugs are the problem — not the solution.

By taking blood pressure meds, you might see a temporary drop in your numbers…but you'll sacrifice your overall health and how you feel, courtesy of toxic drugs.

Don't become another victim!

Tom from Albers, IL, wrote: "I have used The People's Chemist products for a number of years...started using them and had some success, lower weight, and more stamina/ energy. Then I was attracted to the Bioidentical world (big mistake). After about 3 or 4 years of giving that a try, I finally said ‘Adios' to that doctor and his prescriptions…and saved the thousands of dollars I was spending (not covered by insurance) and went back to the natural health products."

He adds: "Your products are helping me to keep my sugar levels in check. I stopped taking cholesterol lowering meds and have lowered my blood pressure. I've also managed to lose about 15 pounds by watching my diet and exercise…although if I was a little more diligent on the diet thing, it be even more. I still have another 10 or 15 pounds to go, but feel much better than I have in awhile."

Way to Billy and Tom!

That's what I call living young.  Get on the playing field and ditch the meds to start living a healthier more active lifestyle?

Get Cardio FX at

Tell your loved ones.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Wish I could dispense PhDs in "Stupidity" to every doctor who ever prescribed blood pressure meds via the excuse that "it runs in your family!" Even if high blood pressure did, you'd never need to be sentenced to life on meds…great for Pharma, bad for you! Get Cardio FX at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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