Subject: ~Should I go low fat?

If you want to lose fat, eating less of it seems to make a lot of sense.

But that doesn’t mean it’s true.

The “low-fat” diet craze is more than 20 years old...and most people
still haven't caught on to the cheap marketing ploy designed to fool
consumers into eating healthy. Slap a health claim, and true or not,
people will usually believe it. It becomes Gospel.

Low fat is just one term among a sea of nutrition-isms that are unhealthy
and downright dangerous...

When manufacturers remove the fat from foods, they have to replace it with
something. And more often than not, that “something” is sugar...or simple carbs.

The key to choosing fat is to distinguish between healthy fats and
unhealthy fats, not avoiding it all together.

The fats you want to AVOID are trans fats (look for the word “hydrogenated”
on nutrition labels) and omega-6 fats. These harmful fats are primarily found in fast
food and commercial fried foods, chips, crackers, margarine products, “butter” sprays
and spreads, salad dressings, and just about every processed food on
the market.

Studies clearly show that these types of fats promote inflammation and obesity and increase your risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease and more.

But the same is not true for naturally-occurring fats found in grass-fed beef
and butter, liver, pastured pork and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts, avocados, olives and

In fact, the saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats found in
these FOODS actually promote health and protect against disease.

These healthy fats help to carry vital micronutrients throughout
your body. When you consume a very low fat diet, many of these vital “fat
soluble” nutrients are eliminated without even being digested.

Foods that contain healthy fats should be the mainstay of your diet.

Not only will they satisfy your hunger for hours, they also
won’t spike your blood sugar. In fact, because many hormones –
especially testosterone – are produced in fat cells, consuming healthy
fat is vital if you wish to achieve hormone intelligence.

The bottom line is that the right dietary fats are not only beneficial,
they are absolutely essential for shedding fat and improving your body

Weight loss may occur on a low-fat diet, but you will sacrifice your health
and appearance, as you lose muscle, cell function drops, energy plummets,
and your skin begins to sag and wrinkle.

Learn more about the most harmful diet myths at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The short advice for eating is to "spit it out if it's sweet and never
eat anything served out of a window or package." Try that for a week
and watch the magic. Learn more at