Subject: ~Should I get the flu vaccine?


The flu vaccine will not help you avoid the flu.

In 2007, the CDC reported that it had “no or low effectiveness” against
influenza or influenza-like illnesses. The data showed that the flu vaccine
protected no more than 14% of those who received it. And this wasn’t some

Each year, the vaccine is rarely any more effective than that.

Even The New York Times reports that, “The influenza vaccine, which has
been strongly recommended for people over 65 for more than four decades, is
losing its reputation as an effective way to ward off the virus.”

In May of this year, The British Medical Journal (BMJ) wrote that, " there
is virtually no evidence that influenza vaccines reduce elderly deaths."

Doctors who do their homework understand that vaccines are ineffective, too. Dr.
Ira Goodman MD, FACS, ABHIM, a surgeon from Loyola Medical School is one of
them. Through email correspondence, he told me he is against vaccines
simply because “they don’t work!”

The failure of vaccines has finally gone mainstream. But instead of
admitting that they don’t offer protection, health officials, doctors and
the pharmaceutical companies are pushing for MORE vaccines as the solution.

When you consider the number of outright toxins contained in these
experimental concoctions, the implications are chilling.

Avoid risky vaccination by using nature's most effective immune booster,

Order now for flu season at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist