Subject: Short VIDEO: The truth about cholesterol


Is the drug industry really the only party to blame for today's
over-medicated society?

Following doctor’s orders has become synonymous with danger. Every year,
FDA approved drugs kill twice as many people as the total number of U.S.
deaths from the Vietnam War. Death by medicine flourishes because
deceit, not science, governs a doctor’s prescribing habits. As an ex-drug
chemist, I witnessed this first-hand. But there's also one more component
driving the death toll...

Willful ignorance is among the largest driving force behind Big Pharma's
push to medicate the world.

When I posted this on Facebook, there was a backlash of scorn.

But I stand by my assertions. Most people have released themselves
of any health responsibility, whatsoever, in favor of just following
doctors orders.

Sad and true. Distill out the main points here and you get, "people
are just dumb and like to swallow pills, even when those same pills
have killed hundreds of thousands before them."

To help remedy this, I try to make short vids to snap fans out
of their mandated ignorance.

My latest on cholesterol is one step in this direction. Take 3
minutes to watch this free video. Leave a comment at the blog, too.
I'll answer the best questions.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Those who profit from prescription drugs should hold some sort of
record for the having the most reckless disregard for human life. If the
deceit continues the prescription drug leviathan will silently kill more
people than Napalm dropped on Vietnamese villages.

P.S.S Turmeric has been in the news for being able to replace 14 different
medications! Start using turmeric daily for VERY LITTLE MONEY. See