Subject: Shedding Those Last 10 lbs of Stubborn Fat! (PIC!)

43 YO Gets Rid of Stubborn Fat, Optimizes Hormones and Places 2nd in Bikini Competition
For athletes striving to achieve their best body, nothing is worse than the dreaded "Last Stubborn 10 Pounds."

Eager to find a solution, many athletes turn to the shelves of their local GNC, personal trainer or hippie grocery store. What they will find is a barrage of lame advice, crappy protein bars, ineffective fat loss products, and junk-filled supplements promising to help you "get shredded."

Unfortunately, all of these products will destroy your hormones. Whether it's eating 4 or more times a day or drinking a sugary sweet protein drink as post workout snacks, your chances of losing the Final 10 Pounds is guaranteed to be met with failure.

Betty Jean, an athlete, has finally discovered the secret to burning off The Final 10. Age 43, she competes in bikini competitions and was looking for a way to dominate her physique - look strong, but healthy, not pruned and weak from too much water loss or atrophy due to extreme dieting.

"I had struggled to lose stubborn 10 lbs for years," she says. "My before photo shows me after I lost the extra weight (when I was eating 3 meals per day) – but that was before strength training and eating more calories during those 3 meals."

One of the keys to getting a lean body is to eat 3 meals a day, spaced out by about 5 hours (no snacking). Equally important is the QUALITY of calories you consume during these meals. Twigs and berries won't cut it. The key is to include plenty of healthy fats at each meals. I outline the exact protocol in my book, The Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet.

While Her Teammates are Busy Shoving Crap Protein Bars Down Their Throats, Betty Jean is Feeding Her Body the Good Stuff and Living Young!

"I am grateful to have discovered you, The People's Chemist," says Betty Jean. "Thanks to you, I am relentless about what goes on & in my body. No red #40 colored pre- & post-workout drinks for me. I'll enjoy some Yerba Mate & Thermo FX. No synthetic vitamins, I'll lie in the sun with my Kukui Nut oil. No prescription sleep meds, I sleep like a drunken bum with my Serotonin FX. I haven't been sick in over 2 years, but the last two times Momma felt like she was coming down with a cold, the Immune FX comes out for day and the cold is gone by morning. The list goes on."

Unlike her teammates, Betty Jean actually cares about what she's consuming and her body shows it! "While my other teammates eat their Quest-franken-bars, I enjoy whole eggs, elk burger (boyfriend hunts) and coconut oil in my coffee," she says.

A quick Google search of QuestBar's "Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough" protein bar shows that it contains sucralose – a drug disguised as an artificial sweetener. This automatically disqualifies QuestBars as a healthy product. Unless you're on a quest to screw your insides up...stay far away from sucralose-filled QuestBars!

Sucralose (also known as Splenda, Sukrana, SucraPlus, Candys, Cukren, and Nevella) has been linked to numerous health problems. Sucralose is only 25% water soluble, which means a vast majority of it may explode internally. In general, this results in weakened immune function, irregular heart beat, agitation, shortness of breath, skin rashes, headaches, liver and kidney damage, birth defects, cancer, cancer and more cancer – for generations! Looking to destroy your insides and get sick down the road? Then chomp on a QuestBar.

But if you're looking to maximize your body's fat-burning capabilities WITHOUT artificial sweeteners and Frankenstein chemicals – then order my revolutionary AMPM Fat Loss Discovery.

AMPM Fat Loss Gives You Complete Hormone Mastery, Best Body in 90 Days

If you're looking to blast 5, 10, 20, or even 100+ pounds off your body, then look no further than AMPM Fat Loss Discovery. Aptly named, the program lets you discover your body's inherent ability to demolish fat quickly and easily. Because it focuses on hormone mastery (which is the real key to lasting fat loss), the result is that you'll become a fat-burning machine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The AMPM Fat Loss includes a copy of my Stop Eating So F#@%ing Much Diet book, which reveals the exact protocol Betty Jean used to get in stellar shape for her bikini competition. Plus, you'll get all the supplements your body needs to shed unwanted fat forever.

"I keep improving every day and I figured it was time to share my story," says Betty Jean. "Just last weekend I placed 2nd in bikini masters AND open here in Las Vegas. I'm going to compete in nationals Nov 21-22 in Miami."

By the way, AMPM Fat Loss isn't just for athletes – it's for anyone who's sick and tired of lugging around extra fat like an unnecessary suitcase. Whether your goal is to compete, or you just want to look great naked in front of a mirror, I promise that if you follow the exact guidelines outlined in AMPM Fat Loss and stick with it, you'll have your best body in 90 days.

The People's Chemist Products Even Work for Alzheimer's

My products were specifically designed to be effective and safe across the board. No fillers, additives, or chemicals are allowed anywhere near my products. They're so effective, they even work for Alzheimer's.

"My mom, 84 years old, has Alzheimer's and I refuse to follow that demise," says Betty Jean. "Following The People's Chemist protocol, my mom has lost 40lbs since December '13 and at enormous height of 4'4" she now weighs 103 lbs. The only 'medicine' she takes is 1 Cardio FX (without which her ankles swell), Daily Dose, and Cinnergy twice a week. Thank you Shane, Lea-Anne, and staff, I am eternally grateful."

If an 84-year-old woman with Alzheimer's can lose 40 pounds, then you can lose weight too.

No More Excuses!

In your journey to master your physique, there's no need to get sidetracked on detours... and there's no need to swallow dangerous products that do more harm than good.

Remember – protein bars filled with fake sweeteners and chemicals (like QuestBars) are NOT what you want to be shoving into your body. Don't let the fancy brand names fool you. And don't buy a product just because some shredded celebrity or model is endorsing it. Crap is crap, no matter how you package it.

Take the time to do your research. Say no to crap. Dominate your fat the safe and effective way, using AMPM Fat Loss.

Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist