Subject: ~"She Told Her Doctor No To Knee Replacement"


A fan from Tucson emailed me to say, “For 15 years, I had pain from
walking. This was due to worn out cartilage caused by arthritis. The doctor
said I would eventually need knee replacement in a few years.”

In the U.S., more than 600,000 knee replacements are performed every year,
according to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.

And for at least 10% of those people, their pain still exists post-surgery.

This wanton slicing and dicing of knees is totally unnecessary…

If you scroll further down the AAOS website, you’ll see the “possible
complications of surgery,” which include:

Blood clots
Implant problems (“implant surfaces may wear down and the components may
loosen,” causing scarring in the knee)
Continued pain
Neurovascular injury

Fake, artificial knees aren’t worth ANY of these risks.

…especially considering there’s a SAFER alternative, Joint FX.

“I started taking your Joint FX about a year ago. It’s working

“My daughter is taking Joint FX too and is very happy with the results.
I’m also using Serotonin FX (to sleep better). Thank you for your
educational mails! I threw my vitamin D pills in the trash, and I send my
friends your warnings about the side effects. Dr's recommended to take
synthetic Vitamins to everybody now! I’m so glad that honest people like
you still exist and are not afraid to stand up for true Knowledge.”

Lana’s story is fantastic to hear. It’s what keeps us fighting here at

When even ONE person is motivated to ditch the meds and surgery, in order
to live young…it motivates others to do the same!
Skip the knee replacement surgery and start using Joint FX:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Forget knee replacement surgery and its potential complications.
Before resorting to drastic measures, try your first bottle of Joint FX
( and watch as it melts away joint pain! When taken
consistently for 6 months, Joints FX also rebuilds and replenishes
cartilage — that soft cushion that makes physical movement much easier
for your joints. Stock up at