Subject: ~She Likes This Heart Cure, But Hates This About Me!


I'm wrapping up the day with a final check on Cardio FX
Quality Control (QC). Loaded with hawthorn, garlic, grape seed
extract and magnesium, it works to:

- Lower blood pressure,
- Lower resting heart rate,
- Increase oxygen distribution
- Stop unruly blood clots before they stop you

Athletes, soccer moms, weight lifters and seniors...doesn't matter.

Cardio FX is a life saver.

Coincidentally, I just got this email from and 82 year old fan who ditched
her meds and is living young with Cardio FX.

"I have been following your program for several years now.  I am 81 yrs
old.  I have [had] A-Fib,  but the last year or so that I have been to
the Doctor they are not able to detect any irregularity in my heart.  I
started several months ago weaning myself off of my heart medication, by
the method you suggested [See book 3 Worst Meds].  I take the Cardio
FX regularly, two capsules in the morning and two at night. The other day
at the Doctor, he told me “Whatever you are doing, it’s working” ,  I
did not have the heart to tell him I was off the meds.  I will next time."

"I am doing good,  I have a Fit-Bit and walk about 3 ½ miles per day! 
I also take Cinnergy, Daily Dose and the Whey Advanced formula." 
"I do not take any pain meds because I don’t have many aches and pains. 
Not bad for almost 82. Thankful for your program, but I delete your
emails because of the bad language."


I love getting these emails.

I also love the honesty.

She hates the cussing.

Half the time, I don't even know I'm cussing...and that's when I'm writing.

If I'm not writing, I'm usually finishing up the Quality Control so that
every manufacturing run has it's own COA.

My methodology for obtaining a Certificate of Analysis (COA) validates
every batch using state-of-the-art chemistry testing methods.This
guarantees potency and purity. I also carefully screen for impurities such
as pesticides, heavy metals, preservatives, and microbes from viral or
bacterial contamination!

No other company in the world runs these tests!

(Not bragging here...this isn't so much about me using my fancy
chemistry's more of a reflection of how f@#cking lazy and apathetic
the vitamin industry really is.)

Want to put Cardio FX to work for you?

Stock up now at

Ditch the meds!

P.S. New stock means plenty of supply! Add 3 to your cart and save
15% at Important to note, there are no risky
medication interactions with Cardio FX.