Subject: ~She Beat Menopause in 30 Days with This!

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

How Diane Went from a “Junky Jalopy” to a “Sleek Jag” in only 30 Days (and Beat Menopause Problems)

Diane from Naples, FL, is the perfect example of someone who does everything right and yet still finds herself waking up to unwanted health problems.

She eats healthy, exercises constantly, and has a pretty good physique. But one day, seemingly out of nowhere, hormones happen. And the next thing you know, Diane is experiencing bizarre weight gain, low energy, and a sudden inability to sleep well.

“At the time when I first received Shane’s book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, I went to the gym regularly, using free weights 3 times a week, doing yoga, and running daily (about 3 miles). I biked about 4 times a week (6-8 miles per ride), and I got in a swim about 2 times a week. Although my diet was a very healthy one, I was a grazer.”

“Overall, everything was good in my world,” says Diane. “I was in good shape and looked about the way I did in high school. Then menopause happened…

Menopause Can Turn Even the Healthiest, Fittest Woman into a Hormonal Mess

“I started seeing my waistline widen. I felt fatigued more often, and my sleep started to be disturbed. I tried ramping up my activity level, but because I was feeling more tired, that became a challenge.”

Diane’s not alone. Once women hit menopause (or should I say – once menopause hits them), they experience all kinds of hormonal changes that throw their body out-of-whack. 

Good news is – they’re just the result of chemical changes in the body that occur as we age. Luckily, they have an easy fix.

Women Can Erase the Effects of Menopause with “Hormone Intelligence” 

Diane knew what was going on. “I understood what was happening to my body and why,” she says. “I also knew that the ‘quick fix drugs’ doctors were so keen on prescribing were not an option for me. So I pondered buying larger jeans and thought, maybe I should just accept the fact that this too shall pass…in about 10 years!”

“Well, that wasn’t an agreeable option either,” she continues. “I decided to re-read Over-the Counter Natural Cures, this time picking the book apart. I took notes, made charts and embarked on the 30-day challenge. 

I immediately stopped everything I was doing, which I thought was “healthy.”  I switched my eating and exercise habits to those outlined in  chapter 10 and 11 of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

Day by day, Diane started to increase her hormone output, balance and sensitivity. The fog of fatigue lifted. Sure enough, her body returned to being “young” again.

Apply the Principles of “Nutrient Logic” and Your Body Will Become Younger in 30 Days  

“I have either created new recipes around the list or revised old recipes to reflect the nutrient logic Shane discusses. Friends are already asking me for the new recipes,” says Diane.

Not only that, Diane also saw her cravings and hunger pangs disappear.

“The first change that amazed me was that I was never hungry!” she says. “I couldn’t believe how satisfied I was and that I had no desire to snack between meals! Approximately 13 days after changing the foods I ate, I added the supplements. The results were beyond anything I can put into words.”


Being Fat, Tired, and Groggy Happens ONLY When Your Hormones are Imbalanced

Whether you’re going through menopause or not, following the principles in my book will cause your body look, feel, and BE younger.

Nearly 2 days before completing the full 30-day challenge outlined in my book, Diane is back to her formerly young self.

“My energy level is back to where it was before,” she says. “I’ve resumed my running, I sleep better than before, and my waistline is coming back with my abs taking on definition. OH! and my skin is so soft and smooth! I can’t wait to see where I am in 60 days.”

By now you might be wondering what sort of magical voodoo is inside Over-the Counter Natural Cures that allowed Diane to combat the symptoms of menopause.

Guess what?

There’s no magic.

There’s no voodoo.

I simply give you science-based information on how to optimize your body’s performance for life. That’s it.

You won’t find that anywhere else!

Regardless of how sick, tired, or fat you are today, Over-the Counter Natural Cures gives you a 30-day “no bullshit” plan for getting young again. (And yes, this applies to men, too.)

“Over-the Counter Natural Cures” – It’s Like an Owner’s Manual for Your Body

“Friends have asked me what makes Over-the Counter Natural Cures so different from other books on nutrition,” says Diane. “The only way I can explain it is that it’s like getting an owner’s manual for your body. It’s not preachy – just a simple ‘here are the facts, agree or disagree – it doesn’t change that these are the facts.’”

Thinking about the changes she’s made to her eating habits, Diane muses: “It’s like if you put cheap gasoline into a high performance car – it might look good for awhile, but it sure isn’t going to perform the way it was designed to forever. I ask my friends, ‘Do you want to be a sleek Jag or a junky jalopy?’

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Is Menopause Making You Smile? Or is it Making You Pull Your Hair Out?

When she emailed me her story, I noticed the tagline in Diane’s signature: “Remember you are never fully dressed until you are wearing a SMILE!”

Are you wearing a smile right now? Or is your body causing you to pout and throw a pity party?

Do you get turned on when you look at yourself in the mirror, naked – or do constantly say, “Good f*cking Lord, why am I so fat and tired all the time”?

If you want to smile, read Over-the Counter Natural Cures and follow the advice in it. You’ll start seeing changes within 30 days.

If you want to be energized like the Energizer Bunny, read Over-the Counter Natural Cures and apply the information to your daily life.

I wrote this book for people who want to grow younger as time passes, so that they can kick ass at their lives. The book will help you shed years off your age and inches off your waist. It will make the whole “menopause thing” a lot more enjoyable.

But don’t take my word for it. Read it for yourself.

Once you know how to feed your body what it needs, it’s just a matter of DOING IT every day. It’s so simple.

Who knows – maybe in 30 days YOU’LL be emailing me saying, “Shane, your book saved me from feeling old!”

I’ll be like, “Of course it did!” 


You’re just a few clicks away from growing younger.

Dare to Live Young!

The People’s Chemist


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at