Subject: Say No To Chemo, Yes To This! (READ INTRO FREE!)


Seems like everywhere you turn, there's another cancer story…

A Virginia news article tells the story of Conley Saunders. A mother and
wife, she went to the doctor's office for what she thought was a sinus
infection…and found out she had cancer.

"I had a sore throat on and off for almost a year but it kind of came and
went," said Saunders. "Two doctors decided my tonsils needed to come out
and then told me five days later that there was cancer in the tonsil which
I didn't even know that was an option."

Perfectly poised to receive typical cancer "treatment," Saunders paid the

"I did chemotherapy and radiation together at the same time…It was
horrible," she says. Pointing to her neck and face, she adds: "I had to
have a feeding tube because you're radiating this whole area. So you get to
the point where you can't eat anymore much."

How the hell is this a treatment?

This story is typical media drivel that positions cancer
drugs as a legit solution.

They aren't.

There's a better, smarter way to ward off cancer.

This is outlined in dummy-proof language in my book, Over-the-Counter
Natural Cures EXPANDED


One fan wrote, "Three months ago I got a CA-125 test for ovarian cancer. It
came back with ‘high numbers.' My doctor wanted me to have an ultrasound
($300-$1000) and, depending on what it showed, hinted that I get ready to
‘fight cancer.' I told him no and used the protocol in Over-the-Counter
Natural Cures (Amazon: After three
months, and at the cost of about $28, I went for a retest. My results were
‘normal'! At the same time, I lost 21 pounds of fat and now feel 17 years
younger…I kicked cancer in the butt the easy and affordable way. Many

That's a night and day difference, don't you think?

Years later, this same person sent me pictures of her standing on top of
the mountains of Colorado, liver her life, living young.

Think about the stark contrast here.

One person did chemo…felt horrible…barely survived. The other person
read a book, applied the info, and now feels great, and lives the life of
her dreams.

The cancer squashing protocol works. And it's dirt cheap!

Nobody is going to amass millions from it, which is why you won't hear
about it on the news or hear your doctor squawking about it.

In Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded, I devote an entire chapter on
how to kick cancer's ass, naturally…and better yet, not get it in the
first place.

This isn't the typical, crummy anti-cancer advice you hear about online
like graviola and peach pits...It's real science pulled out from under the
pharmaceutical rug...the same science they study and hide in an attempt
to keep selling chemotherapy - a multi-billion dollar business BTW!

And besides, if the government really gave a sh#t about you,
they'd have a war on all the crap that causes cancer....but that's a
whole other story. And you can read about that in this book too!

My critics fume of course, "If this information works, then why doesn't the
rest of the world know about?"

Uh well, cause the rest of the world is f@#$ing stupid.

The masses are drunk on pharmaceutically controlled media.

Remember when they told you Celebrex was the safest and most effective
pain killer?

When the joke was over, tens of thousands of people died. Kids
lost their parents. Students lost their teachers...

Nobody was convicted of murder...But the FDA confirmed that the industry
knew the deadly facts prior to launching the deadly prescription.

Are people so naive that they can't see the tentacles of the Big Pharma
monster controlling government, industry, and the FDA?

There's a deep systemic corruption that ensures the rest of the world will
never know about simple, natural cures. This was put into place way before
any of us were even born. It takes a keen mind and free thinking person to
even fathom a small part of the massive corruption...Now there's
a book that uncovers it all and shows how to fight cancer.

Don't just buy it though, but actually lift up and heave open a page and
read it!

Make sure you're sitting down.

Order Over-the-Counter Natural Cures Expanded on Amazon here:

At the very least, READ THE INTRO FOR FREE:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If cancer patients aren't taken early by death, then they're ravaged
by the devastating effects of chemo or other worthless cancer drugs.
Meanwhile, nobody is talking about the elephant in the room — how to
dedicated to this topic in my book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. Get it
and protect yourself and your family now: