Subject: ~Saw Palmetto...Plus This for Prostate!


"Prostate cancer may be the most common non-skin cancer in the human race.
Most men, if they live long enough, will develop the disease. And yet,
prostate cancer is also extremely unlikely to kill you. After five years, the
survival rate is a whopping 98.6 percent. It’s a paradox of medicine that we
are only beginning to understand.”

That came from Dr. Ahmad Shabsigh, a leading urologist who
specializes in prostate research.

This begs, the question, "Why are men agreeing to risky “prostate treatments”
that destroy their quality of life (including their sex life!)?"

This is a classic case of the “cure” being more deadly than the

Prostate treatments are SO dangerous that the USPSTF (US Preventive
Services Task Force) actually recommended AGAINST screening for prostate
cancer in men aged 75 or older. This is due to the high risk of side
effects that could butcher their quality of life.

Today, just going to the doctor’s office and getting “screened for
prostate cancer" puts you at risk for losing your manhood.

You’ll probably fail the test…then doctors will advise either prostate
meds or surgery — both of which can destroy your sex life.

There’s a better, saner way to protect your prostate…use

I designed this natural supplement for men who wish to stay young in the
bedroom, for years to come. Use it to preserve your sex drive, virility,
and masculinity.

Palmetto+ protects against prostate cancer and BPH (Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia) WITHOUT drugs or surgery. As a natural supplement, it has ZERO
side effects!

By giving your body the nutrients it needs (as found in, you can ensure total prostate health for years to

Watch the 1-minute video below. Start learning which nutrients the prostate
needs to stay healthy:

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. The best way to cure prostate cancer is to NEVER GET IT!

Unfortunately, most men treat their body like a dumpster…shoveling
“pharma foods,” meds, sugar, artificial flavors, and other crap into
their mouths on a daily basis… and their prostate is bound to deteriorate
at some point.

The typical “conversation with your doctor” never addresses this issue.
It’s all about getting you onto meds or into surgery ASAP.

Beware of having these “conversations” with your doctor about prostate
health…these are usually just sales ploys designed to get you on risky
prostate treatments.

Instead, use to address the root cause of your
prostate problems. It floods the body with nutrients that are beneficial for
the prostate.

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