Subject: ~Saved from Bronchitis While in Vietnam!

When you travel, you open yourself to new life experiences, new
memories, and exotic new places to sneak off with your wife.

…But you also expose yourself to more biological nasties.

That's why it's always wise to have Immune FX on hand.

"We spent three weeks in Vietnam starting on Dec 20," writes Beatrice. "On
some days, the weather was terrible. I was coming down with a cold, and so
was my husband. I'm rather fragile in the lung department, and am prone to

"Unfortunately, I had forgotten to bring along my Immune FX from my first
order. BUT I never go anywhere without my Over-the-Counter Natural Cures:
Expanded on my Kindle reader."

An educated reader, Beatrice was familiar with my chapter on how to cure
sickness WITHOUT drugs or antibiotics. She knew her best secret weapon
would be to use two powerhouse ingredients that I recommend in my book:
garlic and andrographis.

Together, these ramp up your body's natural defenses against illness.
Garlic and andrographis assist your immune system in getting back to health
as quickly as possible. It's like initiating your body's own personal army
against invaders.

"So, I cruised all the pharmacies I could find — alas, no andrographis
anywhere," says Beatrice. "Amazing, isn't it? However, I went for plan B:
garlic! I couldn't very well transport kilos of fresh garlic into all these
hotel rooms, so I went for the capsule sort. And boy, did it work!!!!"

"Please tell Shane I am (and have been for years) a huge fan, and I'm
trying my best to start a fan club on the other side of the world! By the
way, I got my package yesterday (Immune FX and Daily Dose), am I glad! Have
a very pleasant day - Beatrice."

Whether you feel like you're on the verge of catching something — or
you've already caught a full blown cold or flu — garlic and andrographis
work wonders.

Learn more about why these work — and why they're safer and better than
drugs — by reading

This book also shows you how to protect yourself from ALL illness and
disease…so you can start throwing away your orange prescription bottles,
and start living young!

Designed to ramp up your immune system's natural strength, Immune FX
contains the world's best andrographis.

I never travel without it.

And it's aways in my medicine cabinet at home.

This product is so safe, even kids can take it. There are zero side
effects. (No prescription or over-the-counter drug can make that claim.)

Help your immune system kick ass when needed. Stock up on Immune FX:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. "I also take Immune FX," writes Debbie P., another TPC fan. "Since
getting Immune FX, I am rarely sick. If I feel something coming on, I take
a couple pills and that generally fixes it. I'm very grateful for you and
your natural products. They REALLY do work!!! Anyone I see with a cold I
tell them about Immune FX."

Try your first bottle at