Subject: ~Saints Promote Free Prostate Cancer Test????

Truth is stranger than fiction, because fiction has to be somewhat believable...

This shit is just jaw-dropping...

The Sacramento Bee recently reported that, “Several former New Orleans
Saints are joining a university health system to promote free prostate
cancer screenings.”

First of all, who the f#$k are the Saints? I’m too busy living my own
life to follow any sports. Do they play baseball? Football? Tennis?

“Free prostate cancer screenings”?!??

Translation: “a free chance to get hooked on risky prostate meds for the
rest of your life.”

....oh wait, here it is. The Saints play football....

“Tulane Medical Center says participants can meet and have their pictures
taken with Pro Football Hall of Fame member Rickey Jackson and other former
NFL players, and hear the retired linebacker speak about his prostate
cancer diagnosis and recovery.”

Any guy who would go to the doctor’s office for an ass
poke, just to get their pic with a baseball player…or football
player is a moron...

Wake up, guys.

Prostate cancer screenings are a farse. The test is designed to fail, so
that doctors can slap your ass on meds for life.

It’s been shown that prostate cancer screenings often give false positives,
resulting in men being diagnosed and put on risky treatments.

When the “treatment” is more harmful than the actual cancer, it’s
time to pause and think about shit...

“Urology department chairman Raju Thomas says in a news release that more
than 100 men got the blood test at last year’s inaugural screening. He
says they hope to see more on the Saturday before the Saints’ first

Ugh…this is so ridiculous. Chairman Raju needs to be bitch slapped.

Of course, the masses lap it up, though. Too wide-eyed from being
star-struck, they hand their ass over to doctors on a silver platter.

It’s like when Sally Fields used her celebrity status to endorse Roche
and Glaxo’s “bone building” drug, Boniva…which was proven to
shatter bones...


If a “famous athlete” is pushing a prescription drug, procedure, or
“cancer screening test,” you can bet your ass there’s pharmaceutical
drug money behind it!

It has nothing to do with actual health.

Note to Pharma: If your meds worked, we'd be in line, crawling over each
other for a chance to get them...

Look, I don’t care if you admire sports figures. That’s your choice.
But I’ve seen way too much evidence of MORONS being led to slaughter.

You can save yourself simply by THINKING before automatically stepping into
a doctor’s office. Save your health.

Do you really need a poke in the ass?

Probably not.

For real men who want to protect their prostate from all threats —
WITHOUT drugs, sugary, or BS cancer screenings — use Palmetto+.

Read about it here and watch the free 1-minute video:

Knowing the truth about prostate health can save your manhood!

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Palmetto+ is my natural prostate supplement designed to protect
against benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) — also known as prostate
enlargement. Packed with saw palmetto and pygeum, it puts a stop to
nighttime trips to the bathroom.

Palmetto+ is a “must-have” supplement for all men aged 50 and older –
and great for preventive health for men 30 and up.

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