Subject: ~SHOCKER: Is Your Body Hooked on Sugar?


I've watched kids gain max focus and go from chumps to champs
in school.

I've watched Type 2 diabetics trash their insulin and sugar meds to be
cured forever of high blood sugar.

I've watched obese, cancer patients rid their body of killer cancer

I've watched depressed, "low-thyroid" women balance their hormones
and spring back to bright-eyed, happy people ready to attack the day.

All of them clawed their way back to health and longevity by quitting
sugar. Period.

Most people won't be able to claw their way back to health.

They're hooked on sugar and don't even know it.

Oh, you're going gluten-free, low-fat, Paleo, or low-carb?

You're making me laugh.

These are just cheap marketing labels designed to sell sugary foods.
Anything that's sold in a package, box or served out of a window has fistfuls
of sugar tossed in...pardon me, fistfuls of gluten-free, low-fat, Paleo sugar.

Right now, if you're sick with any of the above afflictions, you can bet
your a$$ that your body is hooked on sugar.

Here are three more ways to find out if you're among the poor suckers
on a fast track to poor health:

- Are you hungry after 3 hours of eating?
- Got belly fat?
- Drink juice, soda or sports drinks?

Sugar is the quickest burning fuel for the body. If your body is hooked on it,
then you crave it and eat it at meal time. After an hour or so, it's either
burned as fuel or stored as fat. Nothing else feel this as hunger.

In contrast, healthy fats and proteins are higher energy fuels, always feeding
your body. Five or even six hours can go by before you feel hunger. And during
that time, your "live young" hormones are at their peak - the body burns fat,
makes muscle and preserves it. Not so if you're hooked on sugar.

(Biology has shown that healthy fats yield THREE times more energy
than sugar!)

(Whoa! For those who don't read books, don't look now, but you're actually
reading and learning. Keep it up you might actually lift up a book someday!)

When you're hooked on sugar, you have belly fat. Sugar loves belly fat.
When you eat it, insulin floats in your blood for far too long...Insulin causes
fat storage. The belly is designed to serve as a reservoir for excess insulin
and fat derived from sugar.

Shirt not staying tucked in? You're hooked on sugar.

Even people who "quit sugar" just replace it with chips, alcohol, tortillas
or other simple carbs that convert straight to sugar...and fruit!

Drinking something sweet? Same thing. Up, up, up goes insulin...and fat

How do you stop the cravings and un-hook your body from sugar?

Simple: Start taking

For as little as $15 per month, you can force your body to lower
blood sugar and insulin with

It works. Fast.

In time, your body rebounds to health and you increase your functional
lifespan. That means more Harley trips to Vegas, early morning flights
over pristine mountains and more ski trips to Aspen.

It also means you can trash your meds.

How does this work?


By taking you increase your sensitivity to sugar.
This cause your body to crave less of it and use more of it. Once your
sugar levels drop, your hormones bounce back. Energy and life rebound.

Bam. Just like that. Fact.

You'll start feeling it as better focus and energy in about two days!

Get it. Save your life at

Go to

Dare to Live Young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Once you get free from sugar and all of its health complications send
me your success story! I just got this one from a cinnamon user who trashed
their meds:

"My blurred vision that came with taking metformin for 2 wks is all but gone."

Learn more at