Subject: (SEE PIC!) Biblical Cure Causes Cancer Cells to Vanish!?

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Mayo Clinic: 'Boswellic Acids' Cause Cancer Cells to Vanish!
(Daily Dose Low Stock Alert!)

From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
Pictured above are a cluser of cancer cells...Note that window A has many cancer cells.  Window D shows all cancer cells have vanished.

What's the difference?

The difference is that window D was was exposed to boswellic acids (also termed, Boswellia).  These are the active ingredients in the biblical cure, Frankincense. You can start taking these daily in my plant-based, multi-nutrient Daily Dose!

But let me teach you more about the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties of this RARELY USED BIBLICAL CURE!

When I was teaching organic chemistry 101, most students would get tripped up by the vocabulary of chemistry...and just shut down.

---> Don't let that happen with this life saving lesson in natural cures and health!

A study was recently published in the medical journal, Cancer Genomics and Proteomics. Scientists were researching extracts of frankincense. Those extracts are known by chemists as boswellic acids or boswellia.

Genomics is just a terms that describes how DNA interacts with the world around it.

Proteomics is simply the study of proteins in our body. Therefore, the journal Cancer Genomics and Proteomics is the go-to source for how our DNA is protected or disturbed by cancer.

...and this particular study proved that boswellia was our best, daily cancer defense!

Like tossing salt on your fries, the chemists doing the research monitored the effect of boswellia on various cells, both sick (cancer) and healthy ones.

What the researchers at Mayo Clinic found has the scientific community falling out of their seats;

"With the availability of current biotechnologies, it is evident that boswellia can mediate anti-cancer effects through direct reduction of pro-oncogenic proteins and transcription factors that otherwise drive aggressive malignancies."

Don't get dizzy with bio-babble.

=====> All they're saying is, "when the extract was tossed on cancer cells, they vanished!"

See the pic ABOVE, notice cell D, bottom right...GONE!

To familiarize fellow researchers and clinicians with the historical use of frankincense, they noted that;

"Frankincense has been used as a valuable multi-purpose natural product for over 5,000 years, scientific literature continues to report that Boswellia and its active component, boswellic acid, can exert diverse anti-tumor properties with the capacity to attenuate proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis in established models!"

The Journal of Translational Medicine also chimed in to show their findings;

"Scientific literature reports that a number of the Boswellia species, and the active component of Boswellia (boswellic acids), display anti-cancer properties through a capacity to reduce tumour growth and metastasis in a variety of established models..."

As The People's Chemist, my main job is to help you live young and understand the science, while avoiding medication and vitamin hype! My Daily Dose, rich in boswellia and curcumin, is vital to that goal! And now you can get it here:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. This single bottle will replace ANY multi-vitamin you might be taking! It's the Crown Jewel for protecting memory, warding off inflammation and keeping you active and youthful:

Time To Ditch The Meds!
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