Subject: ~SALE ALERT! This Common Pill Increases Heart Attack 20-50%!

Here we go again.

Common pain killers are sucking more years off your lifespan.

The old, go-to pills like aspirin and ibuprofen, along with other NSAIDs
(non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are proving to be far riskier than
anyone thought.

Recent headlines read, "Calls for ibuprofen sale restrictions after study
finds cardiac arrest risk"

C'mon! It's time for a change!

Is a simple Over-The-Counter pill really worth an assault on your
cardiovascular system?

When I wake up in the morning, I'm thinking only about one thing: My
family (Also my airplane and my Range Rover, but I didn't want to sound
rude and obnoxious).

Is everyone ready for they day?

Skyler's holds the Early-To-Rise record.

I can't cut a break with this kid! Coffee is always made with him attached
to my leg and talking up a storm.

"My super Gecko muscle are getting bigger right, papa?"

Blair and Lily are slowly crawling out of bed…Blair hates school, went
undefeated in wrestling, cusses way too much and refuses to do
any homework, but aces his tests.

That makes him C an D student with a filthy mouth, in the 7th grade.

Where's that bumper sticker?

Lily wakes up sore from track, and argues about what time school
starts…for 3 f@#cking years! She insists that they don't count her
tardy and that the phone calls from school are just a mistake.

At the same time, I'm usually reminding her that she has hundreds of
soaps to ship, make or package and that her soap biz needs
more time from her ( or it's going to come
to a screeching halt...she's holding on by a thread!

Plus, the college applications to Whittier, Denver University and
Loyola Marymount are piling up on her desk…"What do I say about the
vaccinations and the tardies?????"

It's not even f@#cking 7am!!!!!

…and mom is cuddling our perfect princess Aubrey (2 years old) while
prepping breakfast and lunches. She stays in her happy place...

So of course, I attack the day like a feisty badger; Always focused,
always moving forward and always living young. (This is a little known fact
about badgers.)

It's the only way I know how to be…

Ok ok ok…

So I'm obviously not picky about what I say and do. But when it comes to
sh#t I put in my body, and that of my kids, I don't take chances.

Can you say the same?

If you're dealing with pain, whether it's long term or short term,
listen up. NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, dicloferiac, celecoxib, rofecoxib,
and or naproxen, "at any dose for at least one week " increase your
risk for heart attack 20 to 50% compared to folks who are not using NSAIDs!

That's INSANE!

But it's all true.

When I was taking Advanced O-Chem in college, I actually synthesized
Ibuprofen in the lab. At the end of the semester, I gave a talk and
exposed the hidden risk.

Early studies showed that NSAIDS cause the blood to thicken! Add that to
dehydration and a hangover, and you might as well be taking jabs at your
heart to see if it's going to cause any harm.

Still, I was laughed at…

20 years later, the body count is still piling up!

So, imagine this: You and your family are sitting in a plane, on the
tarmack, getting ready to depart for your flight to Hawaii. It's the
vacation of a lifetime.

Prior to liftoff, the captain says, "There's a 20% to 50% chance that
our plane may veer off course, forcing us to ditch in the middle of the
pacific ocean."


Get it?

You wouldn't take that flight…

Why would you take that pill?

Enter Relief FX….Your alternate ‘flight' for risk-free pain

Not only is it free of risk, but it works amazingly well!

One fan told me her story of being racked with pain for several weeks due
to a bout of sciatica, following surgery. The pain was so severe she began
withdrawing from family and friends. The same people who had been the
backbone of her recovery.

Everything changed the moment she found Relief FX:

"This was the only thing to relieve the pain. When our family contracted
a virus with severe headache, earache, body aches, sore throat and fever,
again Relief FX helped more than Aleve, Tylenol, and Advil."

If these stories don't motivate you to make a switch, then hungry badgers
are already eating your corpse.

Stock up like the apocalypse is tomorrow at and save

You don't have to worry about any medication interactions or side

Consider this my very limited time OUTRAGE SALE!

Protect your family now with Relief FX and save 20%!!!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Our Relief FX shipment JUST landed from the lab and we are fully
stocked! And to help encourage others to avoid ending up in a body bag
from common NSAIDS, I'm taking 20% off Relief FX now at - no medicine interactions or side effects!!!!!!!!

P.P.S. Use this 20% discount to also stock up on Serotonin FX to get you
damn sleep! It's the only way to be when you wake up - rested and ready
to deal with kids! See

+++++++++++++++ SALE ENDS IN 24 HOURS! +++++++++++++++++