Subject: Reverend Makes Confession on Heart Meds!

How a Reverend and His Wife Freed Themselves from Prescription Meds Forever
58-year-old Larry, a Reverend from Delaware, emailed me to confess a lie that a nurse told him:

“About ten years ago, our primary physician put my wife on three different blood pressure medications,” writes Larry. “At the time the prescriptions were first made, a nurse in that doctor's office told my wife that once anyone goes on blood pressure meds they can never come off.”

Where do people get this from?

Nowhere will you find a study to back up bullshit like this...But, not knowing any better, the average moron believes what they're told.

Luckily, Larry and his wife didn’t...A lifetime of blood pressure meds can lead to sexual dysfunction, plummeting testosterone levels, kidney stones, cancer diabetes and overt obesity.

Commenting on the obesity risk, Lawrence Cheskin, MD, director of the Johns Hopkins Weight Management Center, in Baltimore wrote that, "Patients and doctors need to be more aware of this—it's an under-recognized driver of our obesity problem."

Finally someone thinking straight!

A War For Your Money

Today, drugs aren’t sold on safety and efficacy. They’re sold on profitability. Get enough rubber stamp, government agencies to believe fabricated drug studies and enough people to think they need them, and you have a breakthrough drug that kills people.

This fortress of profit is protected by doctors and nurses with peacock syndrome. Rather than address the facts, they they use conspicuous displays of authority to tell lies and browbeat people into taking drugs for life.

To win the war on medications, many are now empowering themselves to find natural medicine, like Larry’s wife.

“My dear wife ran across The People’s Chemist while doing research on the web about possible alternatives to treat high blood pressure,” says Larry. “The positive feedback comments from customers inspired us to read the book, Over-the-Counter Natural Cures. Then we started watching Shane's wacky YouTube videos. His aggressive language and use of the f-bomb made us pause, but we were not looking for a saint, we were looking for alternatives.”

“Next we started to buy some of Spring Valley supplements (which Shane talked about in his book) at Wal-Mart. Finally, we started ordering products from TPC. We took little steps, then eventually we became fans because our experience was positive at every step and we got good results.”

Small Changes Lead to Big Results

As Larry and his wife soon discovered, you don't have to uproot your entire life and change everything all at once in order to achieve great health.

The nurse’s statement turned out to be completely untrue,” Larry says. “This year (2014) my wife has been able to get excellent blood pressure numbers (still measures every day) by slowly switching over to Cardio FX.”

“After that first amazing success, we were motivated to keep going,” says Larry. Over a few months, he was able to leave behind all of their prescriptions, which included:

  • Blood pressure meds, 
  • Lipitor (a cholesterol-lowering medication) 
  • Gabapentin (used to treat neuropathic pain)
My wife came off all allergy pills and decongestants,

Wife wins, nurse loses.

(Peacock syndrome is crushed by science, again)

Cardio FX Squashes High Blood Pressure, Frees Users from Risky Blood Pressure Meds

If lowering blood pressure is on your list of top priorities, then you'll want to stock up on Cardio FX before it sells out again.

Using the finest ingredients from Mother Nature, Cardio FX is designed to:

  • Bulletproof your heart from stroke and heart attack
  • Heal your arteries
  • Safely control your blood pressure

It uses a scientifically proven blend of hawthorn, grape seed extract, garlic and magnesium to protect the entire cardiovascular system. When comparing the active ingredients to common meds, it outperformed them all, by a long shot.

If blood pressure meds are a prison, then Cardio FX is like a “get out of jail free” card for your heart.

“We Started Living Young!”

As a result of Cardio FX and several other TPC products, and making simple lifestyle changes, Larry and his wife did what most Americans don't even know is possible:

With your help, my wife and I have gotten off all our prescription meds several months ago and we are not looking back. I'm riding my bicycle, able to work full time, and enjoying life with more energy. I'd LOVE to have 100 of your brochures to share with our friends and family.

Larry included a list of additional successes he and his wife had, proving that they can live young without prescription drugs:

Cinnergy has helped to completely eliminate symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet that my primary physician gave me Gabapentin to cover up,” he writes. “Relief FX has helped me manage my lower back and leg pain before and after lumbar fusion surgery. I recently had lumbar surgery, and I did take prescription pain meds for the first week and a half. And as expected, I had some unpleasant side effects from that medicine. Around the 10th day after surgery I switched back to Relief FX which gave me no side effects, and it was effective to manage my pain.”

“My wife came off all allergy pills and decongestants,” Larry adds. “She was taking both twice a day before, and now none at all. When we do happen to get allergy symptoms, we use Immune FX and that takes care of it. Also my wife started taking Joint FX and she hopes to avoid surgery for a damaged meniscus in her knee.”

The People’s Chemist Proves You Have More Power Over Your Health Than You (and Your Doctor) Think

All I have to say to Larry is great job getting off the meds! May you and your wife dare to live young, forever!

What’s YOUR excuse for staying on risky blood pressure meds?

Click here to stock up on Cardio FX, an intelligent natural cure to high blood pressure.

Once you safely lower your blood pressure using Cardio FX, you can begin to wean yourself off dangerous blood pressure meds like Larry’s wife did, and if you're not a reverend, maybe even flip off the nurse on your way out.


Shane Ellison, MS
The People’s Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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