Subject: ~Retired Nurse Ditched These Meds…

The People's Chemist
Retired Nurse Ditched These Meds…
A-Fib (or atrial fibrillation) is a condition in which a person's heart rate is irregular and often rapid. It causes poor blood flow throughout the body…which can lead to blood clots, stroke, heart failure.

"Tachycardia" is an abnormally rapid heart rate.

Neither require medications…in fact, they just make the problems worse courtesy of
depleting energy, suffocating metabolism and eliciting depression!

Mary Anne avoided this near tragedy!

"I am 71 years young. I've had a-fib (atrial fibrillation) for about thirty years, but only a few episodes of tachycardia over the years, each one not lasting very long," she writes.

"Six years ago I retired from nursing, and went from being a very active person to an obese, sedentary, inactive person…until recently."

"Being a nurse for 50 years, with lots of experience, I knew the danger of stroke or heart attack. In the past few months, my tachycardia episodes have increased. They lasted longer as well, at times five to six hours. That's when I had the wake up call."

When you see these symptoms, it's a clear sign that your heart is crying out for help!

"My son, who at one time was a very successful sales rep for Big Pharma, told me DO NOT TAKE ANY CARDIAC MEDS — GO ON THE PEOPLE'S CHEMIST AND TAKE THE CARDIO FX. Thank God I took his advice!" says Mary Ann.

Heart meds have a long track record of doing more harm than good.

…That's why I created Cardio FX ( I designed this natural supplement to be a safer alternative to heart meds.

Cardio FX contains FOUR POWERFUL NUTRIENTS that strengthen the entire cardiovascular system. Together, they protect against heart attack, stroke, and other heart complications.

Unlike meds, Cardio FX has no side effects. Zero!

Mary Ann also ditched her sedentary lifestyle…

"I have begun walking two miles daily, taking three Cardio FX before I begin my walk. I take two capsules first thing in the morning as well. When I walk, I am not even short of breath. I've begun cutting way down on portions and I feel so much better."

"The ingredients in Cardio FX have helped me tremendously. I have had NO EPISODES OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION - TACHYCARDIA - SINCE I BEGAN MY CARDIO FX, and walking."

"I have a new lease on life! I KNOW Cardio FX has greatly improved my heart. It is a life saver…literally. Healthy eating, walking, and my Cardio FX have put me back on track to a healthy lifestyle."


Glad there was a happy ending to this story!

If your heart is crying out for help…don't delay.

Use to start strengthening your cardiovascular system. It protects against heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and more!

Thanks, Mary Ann! Way to live young!

Stock up on, so you can start protecting your heart today.

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Can Mother Nature eliminate a heart condition that's lasted 30 years?! For Mary Ann, it did. "So happy with your Cardio FX. No tachycardia episodes with my a-fib since I started the Cardio FX. Amazing!" she writes.

Unlike drugs, Cardio FX has no side effects or risks. Instead, it leaves users with a host of positive benefits, including:

- Increased blood flow and "silky" smooth blood, which protects you from blood clots

- Relaxed arteries, which normalize blood pressure and decrease your risk of heart disease

- Higher energy levels, allowing you to engage in more physical activities without getting tired

- Maximized athletic performance, so you can tear through an intense workout without the fear of damaging your heart

- Enhanced nutrient and oxygen distribution, which means your body can process what it needs much more efficiently, which slows the aging process

- Shorter recovery times for athletes

…and yes, Cardio FX can even help with A-Fib.

Stock up now at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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