Subject: ~Relief FX Outrage Sale! Stop Pain!

Skyler is my wild 3 year old...

Just this morning I told him, "your shoes are on the wrong feet!"

He shot back to say, "I know Dad, I put them on."

Then he jumped over a large mold of Lily's newly poured soap to
demonstrate that they "still work," regardless of how they are on...

Skyler is brand new to the rules of the house - Aubrey is close behind him.
So they break every one until they learn how to behave...

He still insists that chocolate is a food group and OK for breakfast.

(Technically it is as long as your getting the good stuff from - best chocolate super food ever!)

He also thinks it's ok to ride his skate board inside and wake everyone
up when he's awake...

He has a lot to learn. And as he gets older, one lesson will be that
we don't allow over-the-counter pain killers in our house.

Not Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or even's just not worth the risk.

A recent study showed that aspirin is among one of the biggest causes of
ER visits. In their study, The Medication Safety Program at the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention showed that aspirin was involved in
"13 percent of emergency visits."

When it comes to risk-free pain relief, options are slim. Looking at the
lack of choices over 10 years ago, I started digging into the research.

Hours at the library eventually turned into weeks. And from that came
an all-natural formula based on the historic use of white willow bark,
ginger and other natural anti-inflammatory compounds.

Using my background as a chemist, another year was spent figuring out
how to increase the effectiveness of these notoriously short-lived pain
blockers...In time, Relief FX was born!

And it's on sale all day at - Save 20%!


Relief FX has been used for all types of pain - birth pain, growing
pains, lifting pains, you name it. We also use it as a sport supplement
to stop the burning pain that stems from lifting too damn's
nothing less than amazing.

And for a short time you can get it for 20% off! I call it an outrage sale
because it's outrageous that today's only choice for pain relief are toxic
liver killers...Unless you're one of the lucky ones who has Relief FX!

Hurry and get your supply at:

Ditch the meds,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If you don't mind the bitterness, Relief FX works even faster
if you open the capsules and dump into water, then drink! Enjoy!
Stock up now at - Everything works faster outside of
a capsule. Though, I only use organic, all-natural gelatin to ensure fast
absorption! Anything else like "veggie" caps or hypromellose is a threat
to absorption and efficacy! Learn more at