Subject: ~Regenerative Pill Rebuilds Cartilage - Safe with Any Meds!

Doctor’s are notorious for relying on cortisone, hydrocortisone and
prednisone - corticosteroids - for joint pain…and ignoring the side

…in time, when corticosteroids strip away your tendons and cartilage,
surgery becomes inevitable.

Very few people are aware of that gruesome side-effect…

Fortunately for Cheryl, she didn’t take the injection route, or the

She used Joint FX ( to regrow her cartilage:

“After I had a diagnosis of bone on bone knee joints, and a prescription
of surgery for both knees, I began to take Joint FX.  I didn't feel much
difference over the next few weeks, but gradually, increasingly, I did have
days of very little to no pain more and more often after the diagnosis.”
“I took two weeks off and it all came back with a vengeance.”

“I could hardly walk, and I couldn't sleep at night.” 

“The pain and inflammation became so bad that it seemed worse than when I
was first diagnosed.”  
“I immediately resumed taking Joint FX (, along with
Daily Dose (, and within three days, I was at least
somewhat functional again.  But now, it has decreased so much so, that I
even participated in a snowshoeing event this weekend, and came home with
very little to no pain!”
“So, my test on myself has successfully proven to me that having Joint FX
and Daily Dose in my arsenal of natural health remedies is 2,000% better
than the alternative of the cost of surgery, recovery time, and possible
“I will never be without either product.  They truly are effective, and
let me get back to the activities I enjoy.”

Thank you!! - Cheryl

Good save, Cheryl!

Recent studies published in the British Medical Journal show that within 30
days of using a corticosteroids, patients have higher rates of sepsis,
blood clots, and fracture…even when using low doses of the drug!

Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

Start helping your joints grow younger with

Dare to Ditch the Meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Regrow your cartilage! For safe, natural joint pain relief, use It has zero side effects! Great for joint pain,
shoulder pain, arthritis, and more.