Subject: ~Recovered from a heart attack, ditched his meds

Life is precious…but if we're not paying attention, it could all be gone in the blink of an eye.

Don's email is a stark reminder.

"At 56 years old, I had a heart attack for no apparent reason. I exercised regularly, wasn't overweight.  But my widow-maker artery was 100% blocked."

Like many, Don was what I call an "unsuspecting victim."

By all appearances, his health seemed fine.

Then one day out of the blue, his heart stopped working.

Heart attacks don't discriminate.

They can happen to anyone, even the so-called "healthy," usually due to excessive sugar use as I showed in Over-The-Counter Natural Cures.

Luckily, Don survived. Many don't.

"Thanks to my previous exercising, I had axillary arteries to my heart which prevented extensive damage," he says. "The doctors put me on all the normal meds (statins, beta-blockers, Plavix), but they made me feel tired and gave me many aches and pains."

Rather than asking useful questions such as, "What was the root cause of the heart attack?" and "How can we truly protect the heart?" doctors were quick to slap Don on prescription meds.

He knew there had to be a better way to protect his heart from further assault.

"I started doing my own research to try to figure out why I had a heart attack other than the famous answer of family history," he says. "I wanted to know what in our family history created our heart problem. Luckily I stumbled upon the People's Chemist and am not looking back."

Don ordered my ultra potent Cardio FX supplement. It helps supercharge your heart with vital energy to keep it beating strong.

Hawthorn, the main ingredient in Cardio FX, has been proven to prevent clots…which are the deadly precursor to a heart attack.

In fact, Harvard scientists reported that when compared to 5,000 other naturally occurring compounds, hawthorn was at the top of the list when it came to anti-clot properties that can "help prevent heart attack and stroke."

While most prescription heart meds are highly toxic and ineffective, Cardio FX is the exact opposite.

Cardio FX:

  • Breaks up blood clots to protect you from stroke 
  • Keeps blood pressure normal
  • Soothes inflammation to protect against heart attack
  • Increases oxygen intake for endurance and faster recovery (great for athletes!)

Best of all, its ingredients come directly from Mother Nature and are non-toxic.

"Before finding The People's Chemist, I had shoulder replacement surgery which resulted in multiple clots to my lungs (Pulmonary Embolism)," says Don. "Again, due to my lack of knowledge, I was put on Warfarin for 9 months. It was not a pleasant time in my life."

"Now that I am taking CardioFX, I have a inner peace and no longer worry about clots or blockages. I love CardioFX! I've noticed a great increase in my stamina, especially during spinning class. I don't have that fatigue feeling anymore. I am 60 and plan to start some light weight training shortly. Exercise saved me from a major heart attack and exercise will be a part of my life now, as will CardioFX. I am off all my heart meds and feeling great. Thank you for looking out for the average person."

Smartest thing you can do is proactively take steps to STRENGTHEN your heart.

Make sure to stock up on, so you can protect yourself from all cardiovascular threats!

Shane Ellison

P.S. Thankfully, Don recovered from his heart attack. He's off all meds and feeling great, thanks to Cardio FX. You can protect yourself from heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and heart disease, simply by using Cardio FX. (The best cure is always prevention!)

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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