Subject: Real cinnamon. Coumarin risk!?

Worlds Greatest Cinnamon...Does it have COUMARIN?

Cinnergy, the worlds most potent cinnamon pill, is now available!
You can buy it. But read this first so that you aren’t
“accidentally poisoned...”

I don’t make natural medicine to sell to the entire world...In
fact, I don’t make it for the entire United States of America.
It takes a lot of time and money to produce the best products in
the world, so I’m limited in how much I produce. That’s why
I’ve been sold out for the last 4 weeks...As of tomorrow, its
shipping! First come first serve.

Start living young with Cinnergy. Order today, and I’ll send
you a free eBook that outlines in perfect detail how to “live
the low-glycemic lifestyle.” It won’t last!

Get it here before it's sold out again:

Cinnergy contains a compounded blend of milk thistle and
cinnamon. It's 4 times stronger than anything found in the
stores. For real. If you are not diabetic, you only need to
take Cinnergy 1-3 times per week to obtain the vast benefits of
this powerful, biological cleansing agent. Users experience the

- If Type II diabetic, users no longer have to take prescription
drugs to reduce your sugar levels

- It's uniquely designed to protect your insides from the toxic
threat we all face from polluted air, water and food. It helps
remove mercury and lots more!

- It also attacks stubborn fat...By lowering blood sugar, it
prevents your belly from holding unsightly fat courtesy of lower
insulin. By lowering insulin with Cinnergy, your metabolism is
shifted back into fat burning mode and cells begin to produce and
churn out its “hormonal weapons of fat destruction.” These
hormones, such as glucagon and human growth hormone (hGH), flood
the belly region to blast stubborn belly fat. But the benefits
go far beyond helping you look good in a bathing suit...

- Cinnergy helps you live longer, better. That's why I spent 6
years researching and developing it. Nowhere can you find a
MEDICINALLY ACTIVE blend of milk thistle and cinnamon that has
verified ingredients and activity.

Some people have asked if my cinnamon contains the deadly,
blood-thinning drug known as coumarin. Hell no. Stop using
Google to “do your research.”

There is a massive movement to imprison you with fear and
trepidation when it comes to using natural medicine - making
people think that cinnamon could potentially cause them to
bleed-to-death courtesy of cinnamon derived coumarin is one step
toward this.

If you want to truly do your homework on the topic of cinnamon
(like so many of my brilliant and charming fans), then you can
read Over-The-Counter Natural Cures to learn about the science
that’s being suppressed and how Big Pharma is trying to make
molecular copycats of cinnamon and so many others...

In the meantime, start living young with Cinnergy. Order today,
and I’ll send you a free eBook that outlines in perfect detail
how to “live the low-glycemic lifestyle.” It won’t last!

Get it here before it's sold out again:

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist