Subject: Re: Your Cholesterol Levels!

The People's Chemist - Straight Talk
Re: Your Cholesterol Levels!
From Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison, M.S.
Bachelor's degree in biology

  • Master's degree in organic chemistry
  • Abandoned his career as a pharmaceutical chemist
  • Helps people ditch their meds to live young
  • Author of 3 Worst Meds & more
  • Pilot
I’ve done some stupid things throughout my life. 

I rafted the Pacuare River in Costa Rica during a flood. As we busted through muddy swaths of man-eating waves, boulders smashed into each other and echoed beneath our raft on the river bottom as the rogue current pushed them downstream. 

Another time, while traveling through Mexico, I pierced my nipples to see what it would feel like (I was sober). As a hostile teen, I even got caught up in a high-speed police chase, which ended with a loaded gun being pressed to my temple.

Even after all of that, I’m proud to say I’ve never been scammed by the cholesterol-lowering drug rip-off. I’ve always known it’s nothing more than a home run heist for Wall Street.

Follow that Money Dummy

Pfizer’s blockbuster drug Lipitor became the first prescription drug to make more than $10 billion in annual sales. In 2017, Forbes Magazine showed statins are earning drug pushers $26 billion in annual sales—that’s greater than the combined GDP of more than half the nations on Earth! Outrageous.

Do you think that’s enough money to take over medical journals with ghostwriting, ads, and lobbying? Pharma has profited so hugely, they can push the cholesterol-lowering agenda even further by instilling as much fear into the public as they want.

Ask Your Doctor These Questions!

Before you get victimized by this scam, ask your doctor the following intelligent questions (expect them to look at you in shock):

Question #1. Explain to me why EVERYONE should have the same exact cholesterol level?

This is a legit question. Telling people that everyone should have the same cholesterol levels is like asserting that all women should have the same sized breasts and all men should have the same sized package. (Sorry, bad analogy.)

Should all people have the same shoe size?—and if they don’t, it means their foot needs surgery?! This is stupid thinking. If your doctor insists that we should all have cholesterol levels below 200 mg/dL, then ask them:

Question #2. What are some studies I could read to learn more about high cholesterol being dangerous?

Your doctor may go into a well-crafted sales pitch about how high cholesterol is responsible for plaque build-up among the arteries of the heart. But that’s ridiculous because cholesterol is found every- where in the body. This means so-called “high” levels would be blocking off all regions, not just those of your heart.

Cadaver studies show that 90% of the time, blockage only occurs within the coronary arteries, not among other parts like legs, arms, fingers, or anywhere else. So by definition, cholesterol can’t be the cause of blockage—because cholesterol is everywhere in the body. It does not cause plaque everywhere when it rises. (If it did, then there would be plaque everywhere in your body.)

Plus, Time Magazine highlighted the science showing that “most heart attack victims have LOW cholesterol.” This just confirmed the findings of scientists at The University of California Los Angeles who announce, “A new national study has shown that nearly 75 percent of patients hospitalized for a heart attack had [low] cholesterol levels that would indicate they were not at high risk for a cardiovascular event, based on current national cholesterol guidelines.” 

Therefore, if high cholesterol actually caused plaque, then why the hell do most heart attack victims have low cholesterol levels?

There Is No Such Thing as High Cholesterol

Fact is, there are no studies proving that high cholesterol causes plaque. Not one. Cholesterol is very important for the body, and lev- els over 200 mg/dL will never kill you. Just the opposite, research shows that higher cholesterol is healthy as you age! There are plenty of studies to prove that! If you remember only one thing from this chapter, it should be the higher your cholesterol, the longer you live.

5 Hidden Cholesterol Facts

Cholesterol is a versatile compound that is vital to the functioning of the human body. Just like everything else, cholesterol levels differ greatly among individuals. In humans, cholesterol serves five main functions:

1. Cholesterol is used by the body to manufacture steroids, or cortisone-like hormones, including the sex hormones. These hormones include testosterone, estrogen, and cortisone. Combined, these hormones control a myriad of bodily functions.

2. Cholesterol helps the liver produce bile acids. These acids are essential for proper digestion of fats and in ridding the body of waste products.

3. Cholesterol acts to interlock “lipid molecules,” which stabilize cell membranes. Like pieces of a puzzle, cholesterol is the building block for all bodily tissues.

4. Cholesterol is an essential part of the myelin sheath. Similar to the coating on copper wire, the myelin sheath ensures that the brain functions properly by aiding the passage of electrical impulses. Without the myelin sheath, it becomes difficult to focus and we can lose memory. This is why people on cholesterol- lowering drugs are notorious for having bad memory. Few users recognize this side effect because they forgot how important having a memory was.

5. Cholesterol has beneficial effects on the immune system. Men with high cholesterol have stronger immune systems than those with low cholesterol. This is proven by them having more strains of probiotics and assassin- like cells from the immune system that fend off foreign invaders.

As you can see, cholesterol is pretty f@#cking beneficial. 

Without enough of it, you’re screwed. Artificially lowering your cholesterol with drugs is a death wish. 

Time to Ditch The Meds!

Learn how to bullet-proof your entire cardiovascular system at 

- Control blood pressure
- Ward off unruly clots
- Beat A-Fib
- Strengthen the heart!

Learn more at 
Time To Ditch The Meds!
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