Subject: Re: What is "The People's Chemist?"



January 30, 2011

From The Desk of Jeff Milano, CEO for The People's Chemist


A true story...

Last summer, my girlfriend handed me Over-The-Counter Natural Cures. At first, I thought, "I don't have anything to cure." She said, "Just read it. It's got a lot of really good information in it. Some might not apply to you and some of it might be of value. Shane's a good guy and he really knows what's talking about."

Fair enough. But what is “The People’s Chemist?”

Cracking the book, I learned that The People's Chemist is a company founded by Shane Ellison. As an award winning chemist, he used to work for a pharmaceutical company named Elli Lilly. Ultimately, he found that the company was green-lighting drugs that his research found to be scientifically unsound. He quit and wrote a book on how to avoid the more common pandemic killers using “nutrient logic.”

I was happy to learn that it’s based on real science, no BS and no, it's not a book on conspiracy theories.

I read it once and then I read it again, because I didn't want to miss anything.

I don't have any of the major issues mentioned in the book. So what does a guy like me have to gain from a book on natural cures and what does this have to do with what I'm doing now?

For starters, I never want to have any health issues (heart problems, diabetes, cancer, etc). I don't like going to the doctor and I absolutely hate going to hospitals, even just to visit someone. Plus, I haven't exactly been mindful of my health over the years. Although you won't hear me use my age as an excuse for not keeping up with people half my age, I'm well aware of the fact that I'm not 18 anymore. And neither are my friends.

Sadly, I've already seen many friends become victims of today’s pandemic killers. So I figured, “what if I just implemented Shane's recommendations as a preventive plan and avert some or all illness?” Unlike drugs, natural nutrients are good for you, so it didn't hurt me to use the same nutrients to prevent certain diseases that someone else would use to cure them.

Three things stood out for me that are worth mentioning.

One thing that has been problematic for me is migraines; bad ones.

In addition to getting them, I'm allergic to aspirin, so all the usual pain relievers were not an option. Worse, the only option I had, Tylenol has been proven to cause liver damage and more as disused in the book, and I've been taking it all my life.

Shane Stands By to Rush Me to The Emergency Room

Shane explained to me that most people are allergic to the "Franken-chemical" aspirin, but that the natural form of white willow bark is vastly different and doesn’t contain the pharmaceutical appendage known as an “acetyl” group, which gives people problems – whatever that means. I got a bottle of his formula, Relief FX and made sure he was around in case I needed to be rushed to the ER.

I put a quarter of a capsule on my tongue and swallowed it. Nothing happened. I waited 20 min and took the remainder of the capsule. Nothing, but my headache was going away!

I waited 20 min more and swallowed another capsule and nothing bad happened. But my headache did go away and stayed away. Risky? Maybe, but I was risking irreversible liver damage every time I took Tylenol. I don't ever need to take it ever again!

Read about OTC Pain Killers and their natural alternatives at:

Getting My Sweet Fix

Migraines? Well, now I have a real way to fight them, without risking life and limb. But guess what, I don’t have to fight them now since I've cut sugar out of my diet...Shane discusses sugar addiction in his book, and outlines why it’s causing so much damage. Even better though, he shows you “how to get your sweet fix without sabotaging your health!” All the artificial and natural sweeteners are discussed, and he outlines what to use and what not to use. You’ll be surprised to learn that not all natural sweeteners are safe!

Sleeping Like a Drunken Bum

Second, I started “sleeping like a drunken bum,” naturally. He taught me about the use of valerian, a knock-out herb that is non-toxic and non-addictive. I thought it might be good, but it also helps curb sugar cravings and I thought that would be even better. Surprisingly, it made me sleep like a drunken bum! Getting a good, full night's rest completely changed my ability to operate at a higher level and faster pace throughout the day.

About sleep and anti-aging:

Soft Man Turned HIT Man

Third, I learned how to become a “Hormone Intelligence Therapy (HIT)” Man by taking part in a 20-minute exercise routine - three times per week – that targets large muscle groups. I was able to greatly increase my testosterone, and surprisingly enough, my affinity for exercise as well. Oh, and my waist is getting smaller too!

Wimps need not apply:

What Is The People’s Chemist?

It's great to know that I am healthier and not just swallowing vitamins and hoping they're working. And that’s what “The People’s Chemist” is. It’s a company built by a chemist who is helping people take charge of their health, rather than leaving it to the guesswork of another drug pushing doctor, supplement huckster or wanna-be guru.

All I can say is I feel really good. Really good!

I didn't set out to change my life. I just read a book that made sense and figured I'd try it.

I'm so passionate about helping others learn about The People’s Chemist, that I’m using my background in business to help Shane run the company. (The book has become wildly popular!)

Overall, it's given me the time & energy to help more people and groups as well as continue my education and personal enhancement. And I know it can help anyone do the same!

Jeff Milano
CEO The People's Chemist