Subject: Re: Getting out of bed!

Some people sleep so deep, they “kip-up” out of bed every morning.
Knees to chest, legs thrust out so fast, their upper body follows like a
ribbon tied to a rock.  

Bright eyed, they’re ready to seize the day.  This rejuvenating sleep
energizes and restores vital anti-aging hormones, which leads to better
mood, decreased appetite and longevity.

This is the exact type of sleep I get every night thanks to Serotonin FX

My mornings, this summer, have started as early as 4am…just yesterday
I landed at Denver International airport to drop off Blair for a connecting flight.

To return home and get to work, I had to leave at 5am to make it over the
Rocky Mountains before the thunderstorms grew to towering heights...

Getting a good night’s sleep was mandatory for a successful flight…it’s also
important for reversing “the aging curse!”

But few people are able to leverage this potent energizer!

Most people are lacking so much sleep, as reported by Time magazine, that
their health and longevity are being severely threatened. 

“Researchers found that men under restricted sleep conditions experience
increases in the hunger-stimulating hormone ghrelin,” and decreases in
testosterone! This of course leads leads to a host of medical complications
that are caused by overeating and HIGH ESTROGEN in men -

Speaking directly to women, Time also reported that evidence suggests
poor sleep harms health in other ways, raising the risk of breast cancer,
diabetes and heart disease. 

Ann is a perfect example of what happens when you can’t sleep well.  In
a recent email, she told me, “I tried everything from the standard
tactics of going to bed at the same time every night, to ensuring no
electronics were on at least one hour before bed.”

“I tried every natural sleep pill and every over-the-counter sleep aid I
could find. I would get relief every now and then, but nothing seemed to
the do the trick consistently and for the long-term.”

It’s no mystery why every other sleep pill failed...

Ann didn’t have any luck with traditional sleep remedies for one simple
reason: when your hormones run amuck, it’s almost impossible to get
good, restful sleep. 

That’s why most meds don’t work!

They don’t fix your sleep hormones!

Typical over-the-counter sleep drugs only SEDATE you and shut off your
central nervous system for a while.  Sedation is not the same thing as
deep, restful, REM sleep.

Therefore, sleep aids like Ambien, Tylenol PM, and Lunesta will leave you
feeling groggy and exhausted in the morning.

The real fix is a magic blend of L-tryptophan and valerian extract found in
Serotonin FX (!

Ann ended up trying several of my products. The first one she took
was Serotonin FX, designed to put an end to “sleeping difficulties”
forever by optimizing your sleep hormones!

“Wow!” she exclaims. “There’s nothing better! I LOVE the sleepy,
restful feeling it gives you!  It works. I sleep through the night and
never have that sleep aid hangover feeling.”

Thanks to Serotonin FX, Ann’s body became hormonally intelligent again.
She finally got her ZZZZZ’s and her health back.

Stop Tolerating Bad Sleep!!!

Take action at

Nobody should have to tolerate staying up into the wee hours of the night
– even when you’re dead tired – because your body refuses to fall

“Anytime anybody mentions they don’t sleep well (which is often), I
recommend Serotonin FX,” says Ann. “I often provide samples, then they
end up ordering it on their own. I’m very happy with the People's Chemist

Order your first bottle of Serotonin FX – and watch as it becomes easier
and easier to fall asleep - and easier to kip-up out of bed. Plus, your
body will immediately begin correcting whatever is blocking it from
achieving satisfying, restful sleep.

Never toss and turn again:

And as a side benefit rather than a side effect (from meds) you can put an
end to the aging curse! Reverse The Aging Curse.

Here’s how:

During normal waking hours, all cells are damaged, particularly the
powerhouse of the cell – the mitochondria. As the cellular engine, it
preserves proper DNA function, while ensuring that all the other cells and
organs operate at full capacity enabling them to produce key molecules
required for healthy living.

They are:

- Energizing ATP molecules
- Neurotransmitters (for memory, focus, and enhanced mood),
- Hormones
- And lots more

Without the production of vital compounds, the aging curse can set in fast.
When the mitochondria are damaged due to lack of sleep, these above, vital
cellular functions cease to operate at full capacity and you begin to look
and feel lousy.

Just as your vehicle’s engine requires fresh, clean oil every 3,000 miles
to run smoothly, your body requires time to repair. When we sleep, our
cells undergo the repair or are replaced by newly generated, healthier
cells – so that the vital functions above operate efficiently.

This deep sleep process reverses the aging curse every night and it’s
called REM sleep!

If you don’t get at least 8 hours of deep, uninterrupted REM sleep every
night, this “anti-aging mechanism” ceases to exist – The aging curse
continues throughout the day and your health tailspins due to “hormonal
ignorance.” But you can reverse this aging curse.

Stop Tolerating Bad Sleep!!!

Take action at

Dare to live young!

The People's Chemist

P.S. Add three Serotonin FX to your cart and I'll take 15% off and ship
for FREE at