Subject: Re: Free Samples!


Ever wonder why evil pharmaceutical companies offer
free samples of sleep meds to doctors and patients?

‘Cause nobody in hell wants them!

Sleep meds are nasty! And they don't offer soothing, restful sleep.
They just knock you out, like a punch to the face...

Forget the eternal torture that comes with prescription sleep pills.

I have a natural alternative that works better than all of them, with no
side-effects. Its twice as powerful than anything on the market. It's called
SerotoninFX (It smells bad too, which is good! That's the all-natural, volatile
ingredients. The stronger the smell, the better the sleep)

SerotoninFX does all this and more:

- Activates Deep REM Sleep
- Gives you alertness and focus upon waking
- Stops sugar cravings during the day
- Boosts mood and focus for work
- Stop depression

Put all that together and you have a slice of heaven.

Just ask others who have used it!

"I've had an issue with getting to sleep most of my life. It started to hit me a lot harder as I got into my 30s and ultimately added to my adrenal system crashing. I tried every combination of natural supplements to help but it never quite worked out. For the first time, I don't have attention on falling asleep. I sleep. I probably take Serotonin FX every two or three days and it seems to do the trick. Love the stuff!"

- A.U. California 

"My wife was a complete insomniac who tried everything. I bought her SerotoninFX.
She used it reluctantly. It's been 7 months of relaxing, restful nights! Unreal. Thank you.

- Ed, California

Be an angel, sleep like a drunken bum naturally with SerotoninFX:

Buy now to ward off sleepless nights that guarantee a bad day...

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist