Subject: ~Re: Don't Miss These!


I told my 17 year old daughter that she didn't need my help...

"I'm applying to Whittier and I need your help with the essays and
the application," she insisted.

Since day one, we have always called Lily our "business baby."

Her capabilities far exceed most adults. But, she doesn't know this
yet because she's been living under the safety of our roof.

At some point, kids have to learn to Get Sh#t Done (GSD) themselves.

This was that time...the time to kick her out of the nest to see if she
could fly.

She was not happy.

I had to endure the downpour of insults, the ranting and the spiel
about "you don't care about me..."

"You want to go to Whittier, do it yourself. Fill out the applications,
apply for the scholarships."

She yelled back, "You're not even going to edit my writing to a college
that's known to be The Poets!?"

"Nope, you won't always have me around, do your own edits. You're good
enough," I assured her.

She pretty much hated me..."I've been working for college for 4 years!!"

And with that she stormed off...

Five weeks later I got a letter in the mail from Whittier.

I slipped it under her door.

A hour later I heard a scream of celebration.

She got in.

Even better, she was a recipient of a "Poets Scholarship."

But above and beyond all of that, she learned that she can in fact GSD

Independence is a rarity and gift. Life is going to be a lot easier for
her now that she knows she can stand on her own two feet, while her peers crawl
through life.

Same in living young.

To live young, you have to take charge and be independent.

If you're looking for a consensus online and burning away your hours and
days on chat groups and Google University, you're doomed.

As The People's Chemist, my job is to encourage your livelihood with
education. So, as an update from the last two weeks, here are the top stories from
Straight Talk that do just that:

Heart Surgeon Confesses!

A Yale-trained heart surgeon tells us about his unique vantage point of
looking directly into people’s chest cavities. What he saw over the years
was jaw-dropping — the more doctor-prescribed “blockbuster” meds
people took, the sicker they got. Their insides would eventually be
overtaken by “red, fiery inflammation,” he told me. “Inflammation is
the predecessor of virtually all disease.”

He tells us what to do about it here:

Wrestling Coach for Losers!

You can either be a loser, working toward nothing, or a loser working
toward getting sh#t done (GSD).

Learn how to achieve your own personal goals:

5 Tips for Losing 10 Pound in 30 Days!

Currently, at 44 years old, I won’t be winning any bodybuilding contests,
Spartan Races or getting the fastest times at a Crossfit gym…but I am 175
lbs and 11% body fat. This is sustainable (and enjoyable) enough that
I’ve weighed this for almost 15 years.

My wife also posted her pics at 40 years old, after having 4 kids.

See our pics and tips here:

Start taking charge!

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Last week I announced FREE shipping on ALL ORDERS! This is a
no-excuse offer for anyone to get the purest and most effective botanical
medicine ever produced:

Stock up before the sale is over: