Subject: Re: Decrease Heart Risk By 40%!!!!


The greatest discoveries in medicine are made in the emergency room. One
such example is the ability to reduce heart disease deaths by 40%!

25 years ago, the best treatment for heart attack was morphine for pain
and isolation in a dark room. It didn't work.

To lower the death rate, doctors have learned that the best way to prevent
death from heart attack is to stop blood clot formation while opening the
arteries. This has saved millions of lives. It’s one of the greatest
discoveries, ever!

Wouldn’t you agree?


Learn how to bulletproof your heart by watching this one minute video:


To strengthen the cardiovascular system, its all about healthy arteries and
blood! (not cholesterol levels!)

Sadly, while we are able to prevent death from heart attacks. Modern
medicine has NOT been able to reduce the number of people who suffer from
it. Things like smoking, excess sugar, lack of exercise, high fructose
corn syrup and MSG are sabotaging cardiovascular health.

That’s why you need to learn how to prevent clots and open arteries every
day with select nutrients! (In addition to abstaining from the above

Nature provides healing elements that stop blood clot formation, while also
pushing the arteries open to ensure a healthy cardiovascular system. All this
with zero side effects, too!

The following are unsolicited testimonials from people who have used these
nutrients in my CardioFX formula to do just that!

"Thanks for turning me on to your products. I just finished doing the
Pan Am Jiu-jitsu tournament and brought home the Gold! ThermoFX is an
amazing product along with the CardioFX. Thanks again."

- Nate, 2012 Brown Belt BJJ Pan Am Winner

"With your supplements Cardio FX and Cinnergy me and my husband
were both able to get off our diabetics and blood pressure meds.
 In fact my blood pressure is now better than it was when on the
meds!  We are your #1 Fans!

"I'm really please at the results! My 81 year old husband was
able to get off 3 of his heart meds and its doing great with
Cardio FX.  I'm just really pleased with the product and I tell
everyone about it. I'm just very happy! I got my brother now
taking your supplements. I tell you who is awesome - that Mr.
Ellison - the chemist!".  - FAN

That’s right, by using key nutrients from nature, you can do the same to
help bulletproof your heart with CardioFX.

CardioFX was designed by me to do the following:

1. Prevent deadly clot formation
2. Open arteries for proper blood flow
3. And even strengthen the heart and control blood pressure

It’s all true. And in Europe, you need a prescription for natural
medicines that do this! But not in the USA.


Learn how to bulletproof your heart by watching this one minute video:


You’re Only As Young As Your Cardiovascular System,

The People’s Chemist