Subject: ~REPORT! Bone Building Pills!!!!

"Bone Building" Pills That Weaken Bones? 
Above is your bone on "bone building drugs."  Yea, far right - the one that looks like a dismantling spider web.  It was weakened by the drug "Boniva," brought to you by Sally Field.

Remember her?  I warned you about 8 years ago...a late Monday night after some wine, I can't leave it alone.  

She's best-known as trusted as Sister Bertrille in The Flying Nun. Unfortunately, she's betrayed that trust by wiping her ass with medical journals and signing on to push Boniva – a "bone building" drug marketed to prevent osteoporosis by Roche and Glaxo.

Boniva is known chemically as a "bisphosphonate." Fosamax is another drug in the same class.  
Both were originally used to clean up calcium deposits in boiler pipes. An "accidental" discovery showed that they severely inhibit bones ability to discard old cells - like new skin replacing old...

Physicians interpreted this action as leading to "stronger bones.  Stupid.

...Too much social media and small talk with drug reps usually leads to such brainless allegations.  This thought process was flawed from the start.  It's like trying to keep a person's stomach full by putting a cork in their ass. 

But, since it was never tested properly, the theory was accepted as gospel.  Boniva hit the shelves with Sally Field pushing it endlessly on her peers.  That's how easy it is to obtain FDA approval and proves how watered down the FDA approval process is.

The New York Times warned that women who were on the "bone building" drugs actually had more fractures.  They suggested a drug holiday, which is just a nice way of saying, "get the fuck off drugs if you want to live a healthier more active lifestyle."

To me, it sounded like the recommendation came right out of the Health Guide For The Lazy – attain stronger bones, trash your pills. It's perfect actually.  But the pill hungry, post-modern, TV blanked out zombies of today still couldn't do it...they formed lines like red ants at a picnic to ask their doctor if Boniva was right for them.

(Sally Field can't even spell bisphosphonate. Hell, I even screwed it up, but I'm drinking wine...)

Once melded into the skeletal system, bisphosphonates like Boniva interfere with the shedding of old bone cells. Rather than "die off," like sunburned skin, aging bone infected with Boniva and Fosamax freezes cells in place. 

This prevents them from rebuilding new bone, and like rotting wood, the skeletal system becomes brittle and weak – the exact opposite of what Sally's , anti-osteoporosis med rants imply.

In their article, "Drugs to Build Bones May Weaken Them," The New York Times highlighted that Boniva users, "show a rare type of leg fracture that shears straight across the upper thighbone after little or no trauma. 

Fractures in this sturdy, part of the bone, typically result from car accidents, or in the elderly and frail. But the case reports in the research show the unusual fracture pattern in people who have used prescription bisphosphonates for five years or more!

The Times also tells us that Boniva can cause "jawbones to rot and die!" Physicians are calling this Dead Jaw. I guess Sally won't be "dropping down" for Big Pharma fellatio much longer, especially since the industry is "so big."

If I was drinking beer instead of wine while writing this, it would get warm and fizzle out by the time I was done listing all the side effects of Sally's favorite drug.

Some "minor" side effects of bisphosphonates include severe and occasionally incapacitating bone, joint and/or muscle pain, eye redness and/or tenderness.

So what's the alternative to anti-osteoporosis drugs? 

Take a "drug holiday!" 

Then, when you're ready to move and remind your bones why they need to be strong, get my FREE 18-Minute Workout at

You can also take milk thistle to strengthen your a side benefit, it also prevents me from having a hangover, tomorrow.

Plus, milk thistle is especially good for postmenopausal women, who are at increased risk of osteoporosis due to estrogen deficiency.

After menopause, changes take place in the hormones. Like a car running out of gasoline, some women become become low on estrogen. This is known as “estrogen deficiency.”

When hormones run amok like this…the body starts doing all kinds of crazy sh#t to harm itself…including breaking down bone and releasing minerals (such as calcium) from the bone and into the blood. This process is called “bone resorption” — and it’s your worst nightmare if your goal is to have healthy, strong bones!

In 2013 BioMed Research International published an article called “Antiosteoclastic Activity of Milk Thistle Extract after Ovariectomy to Suppress Estrogen Deficiency-Induced Osteoporosis.”

“Primary type 1 osteoporosis or post-menopausal osteoporosis takes place most commonly in women after menopause. Primary type 2 osteoporosis or senile osteoporosis is seen in both females and males after age 75. In postmenopausal osteoporosis estrogen deficiencies lead to high bone turnover and bone loss. Osteoporosis risks can be reduced with lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise and sometimes medication,” says the article.

The study found that “MTE [milk thistle extract] promoted bone-forming activity of osteoblasts and inhibited bone-degrading activity of osteoclasts.”

Translation: Milk thistle is beneficial for protecting against osteoporosis and other bone diseases that cause bones to be weak and brittle.

Like a superhero, milk thistle stops the “bad cells” and helps the “good cells.” The result? Healthy bones.

“…Silibinin-containing MTE prevented bone loss induced by estrogen deficiency through promoting osteoblastogenesis and encumbering osteoclastogenesis. MTE rich in silibinin would be a potential alternative treatment for prevention of postmenopausal osteoporosis,” states the article.

Luckily my natural supplement, Cinnergy (, contains the most potent, medicinally active form of milk thistle available — along with organic cinnamon — to create beneficial results in the body. As you just learned in this email, bones get protected, too.

Bonus: Cinnergy also detoxes the liver, shields your skin from excess wrinkles, and protects the body against the threat of toxins. Plus, it erases sugar cravings!

“I lost 10 lbs by just taking Cinnergy and getting off sweets!” says Cathy from Santa Ana CA. “At first I took the supplement every other day and I initially didn’t feel it was working. I thought the reduction in sweets was in my mind, now I realize this was a gradual reduction as the product was being introduced into my system. In my second week, I completely lost the desire to grab something sweet. In fact, my usual sweet at work is still sitting in my desk untouched. Now I take 2 capsules per week and have absolutely no craving for anything sweet.”

For protection against osteoporosis and other bone conditions…and to help eliminate sugar cravings, use Cinnergy.

Stock up now at:

Dare to live young,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Researchers have discovered that milk thistle — one of the key ingredients in — has built-in bone strengthening abilities! This is great news especially for postmenopausal women, who face a higher risk of osteoporosis. Protect your bones by using high quality, medicinal grade milk thistle. Stock up at

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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