Subject: Put a stop to eczema!

I started flying 8 years ago! Our first family trip was to Sedona. Blair
was 4 and Lily was 8. We flew in a rented Cessna 182.

The Sedona airport is known for unpredictable winds, updrafts and
heavy traffic. On our maiden voyage, it didn't disappoint. I can remember
being in the landing pattern, mom and Blair huddled in the back.
Lily was dutifully watching for traffic.

We missed our first landing due to an up draft right before landing.
On the second one, I came in too high. Full throttle for yet another
go-around, Lea-Ann pulled her head from her lap to demand, "Just
get us on the ground!"

On the third try, we finally set down and promptly went for a beer.

Last weekend we decided to repeat that trip. Except, a lot has changed
in 8 years! There's two more kids - Skyler and Aubrey! And, we are
flying a 2006 Cessna 206, which accommodates all 6 of us!

We haven't been flying as a family since they were born! So, we
enthusiastically loaded everyone up and took to the sky! Lily,
my 15 yo, left her phone at home. Aubrey (almost 2) brought her
baby. Skyler (3 yo) packed his smile. And Blair charged his camera
to make a great vid of our flight:

Over this same 8 years, I've been selling Immune FX to help people
avoid biological nasties...Including skin infections like eczema.

Just this morning I was reminded of how amazing Immune FX really is:

"My husband has suffered from eczema most of his life, and he’s
experienced an especially painful, prolonged spell this past year or so.
We’ve tried everything from creams and lotions to homeopathy and
specialists, and nothing has helped. The only thing the medical community
knows is steroids. We are 66 years old and we are not on any medications.

"There are days we have to bandage 75 percent of his body in
order for him to get dressed."

"I found ImmuneFX online and had my husband try it. After one week his
eczema began to clear and by the end of two weeks most of his sores were
almost healed!"

"We have used several of your products with great success, and with this
order we will be ordering your book."

Unlike choking down vitamin D, ascorbic acid, "vitamin C" or any other
crap sold on the shelves of your local store, Immune FX is nature's
true immune booster!

It has saved my family countless times from strep throat, the flu and so
much more.

Stock up now before I'm sold out at

At the very least, read about how Immune FX can force your body to
heal itself from infection:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Immune FX is phenomenal for thwarting allergies and asthma, too.

A happy mom emailed to say, "My daughter has suffered with asthma and upper
respiratory infections for years. After reading your book I was convinced
this supplement would help her. She had been very sick for weeks and had
tried inhalers, nebulizers with albuterol and every allergy pill she could
take that would not make her sleepy. I hated to see her taking these
dangerous drugs. Finally she became so desperate I got a call from her
asking me to order ImmuneFX. It's been 3 days since she started taking the
pills and I just got a text from her full of exclamation marks. She is 100%
better!!!! The pills really work, she texted me. I am so happy and I want
to thank you for all the hard work and passion you put into everything you

Get this in your medicine cabinet: