Subject: Pull Toxins From Your Body FAST

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

How to Pull Toxins Out of Your Body

Toxins everywhere!

In Over-The-Counter Natural Cures I showed how odorless, tasteless poisons have infiltrated our food and water supply to cause heart disease, diabetes and cancer. And just today, Forbes magazine underscored the invisible threat announcing that, “Millions of Americans have been ingesting them for years—perchlorate, hexavalent chromium, volatile organic compounds—not because they’re safe, but because they are among 6,000 toxins the EPA has not gotten around to regulating in municipal drinking water systems.”

Pull Toxins From Your Body, Ward Off Wrinkles and Poisons:

Arsenic in Apple Juice

Food isn’t safe either. In a recent report by the Empire State Consumer Project, Mott's juice contained more than five times the level of arsenic allowed in drinking water!

Are you protected from the toxic threat?

Did you know Mother Nature can pull toxins from you body with milk thistle?

milk thistle has been used for more than two thousand years to treat acute hepatitis, chronic liver disease, jaundice, and gall stone disease. However, its ability to protect us from toxic exposure was not discovered until 1949.

It showed beneficial effects against toxicity from the chemical reagents known as carbon tetrachloride, which can result in liver failure, coma, and even death when someone is exposed to them. But, milk thistle successfully protected the liver, while escorting the harsh, toxic chemical out of the body.

Twenty years later, milk thistle was acknowledged as a therapeutic agent against all types of toxic exposure. Ever since, this natural detox cure has proven wildly beneficial in protecting us from environmental toxins and prescription drugs—and even poisonous mushrooms.

Studying milk thistle's protective qualities, Mayo Clinic announced that, “Multiple studies from Europe suggest benefits of oral milk thistle for cirrhosis. In experiments up to five years long, milk thistle has improved liver function and decreased the number of deaths that occur in cirrhotic patients.”

As a detox remedy, milk thistle works in three distinct ways to preserve health.

Once ingested, the active ingredients bind to the squishy membrane of our liver cells to form a protective “shield.” This keeps foreign, toxic molecules out and essential nutrients in.

milk thistle also protects us from oxygen shock that occurs from too many free radicals caused by excess exercise, sun exposure, alcohol intake, and sugar, making it a potent antioxidant.

As a natural detoxification cure, it can also serve as a “biological janitor” to clean up foreign molecules. Through a process known technically as conjugation, milk thistle attaches to foreign molecules and carries them out of the body, keeping the liver free from the accumulation of toxic threats.

Pull Toxins From Your Body, Ward Off Wrinkles and Poisons:

About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at