Subject: ~Psychiatry Meds for New Population!


Starving Africans have become the latest cash cow for Big Pharma.

Since fat, dumb Americans have officially "tapped out" as a Big
Pharma's #1 cash cow…drug companies are now turning their attention the
next likely target: starving Africans.

(They've actually done it for a awhile, but now they want governments to
pay for a new class of meds: psychiatric drugs.)

It's true, hunger and thirst can make you pretty f#cking depressed and
crazy in the head.

But, in one of my ah-ha, brilliant moments as a drug chemist, one day I
thought, "Why not just give them food and water for better mental

Stupid me. It's drugs they need.

So, how do you turn malnourished, poverty-stricken people into an income

Easy…just label their gaping nutritional deficiencies as "mental
disorders…" then pop them full of psychiatric drugs via
"non-profits" with volunteers who are f#cking dumb enough to think they
are doing benevolent work by drugging the hell out of people.

That's what a nonprofit recently did.

After learning about an African woman who suffered a psychotic break, including
hallucinations and delusions characteristic of schizophrenia, the nonprofit
swooped in to save the day by giving her a generic drug intended to treat

Never mind addressing the ROOT CAUSE of this woman's condition…just
skip straight to treating the symptoms!

In impoverished parts of the world where psychiatry is virtually
nonexistent, they say distributing these drugs is the only way to begin
reaching the millions of people in need.

The ugly reality is that all those "millions of people in need" are
really just "new markets" in the eyes of Big Pharma. Meanwhile,
governments and foundations will pick up the tab, to the tune of billions
of dollars.

When will this blatant disregard for human life stop?!?

Here's the TRUTH about mental disorders:

The brain behaves in all kinds of wacky ways when the body is MALNOURISHED.
If you want crazy behavior, then simply deprive the body of vital

Do this over time, and things will inevitably begin to break
down…including organs, the brain, as well as a person's ability to
handle everyday life.

Said another way:

Stop giving your body important nutrients, and your BRAIN will start acting

Simple. You can try it on any two year old. Have them skip a meal, water
and miss out on sleep, watch the terror begin. My 2-year old, Skyler, will
try to rip your arm off and beat you with it.

Decades of drug use have proven that meds only make it worse, not
better…And that this attack on our minds is very profitable for Pharma.

In the case of Africans being targets for psychiatric meds, most of them
have faced a lifetime of chronic malnourishment. Their bodies are literally
starved of life-giving nutrients. In the same circumstances, ANY person on
earth would begin to lose their mind.

As I wrote about in my book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures, the best way to
prevent and cure most diseases is to use what I call "nutrient logic."

This goes for so-called mental disorders, too.

Nutrient logic is where you flood the body with all the life-giving
nutrients it needs for everything to function well. (Related: see Daily
Dose multi-vitamin at

…but does anyone do it?!?

Nope…better to keep shit complicated and profitable by pumping everyone
full of drugs they don't need.

Recently the United Nations committed to "promote mental health and
well-being," vowing to decrease the number of premature death from mental
disorders by a third by 2030.

All they have to do is focus on nutrient logic.

But as usual, drug companies are in charge. They refuse to go deep into the
truth. They'd rather stay surface-level, applying "Band-Aid like"
solutions (AKA drugs) to every health problem.

Cue the cash register sound…

Sick, malnourished people = cash in the bank.

Don't be fooled by the faux charity.

The truly charitable thing to do would be to figure out a way to FEED
starving Africans actual food that nourishes their bodies.

If a non-profit did THAT, they'd be on the right track.

Dare to live young,

Shane Ellison

P.S. Ironically, Americans are fat as hell, yet they're some of the most
nutrient-deprived, STARVED people on the planet. Protect yourself from
nutrient deficiencies…learn about nutrient logic, plus how to feed your
body properly in the only diet and "nutrition" book you'll ever need:

P.P.S. Discover which inexpensive supplements you can take to shield
yourself from virtually all disease (including a little known supplement
for treating depression naturally!)