Subject: ~Protecting Yourself Against The Flu!


The flu vaccine is as out-dated as the payphone, tape cassette,
disposable camera and even an encyclopedia.

It doesn't work and it's dangerous as hell - as you'd expect from
something being shoved into your veins.

Big Pharma is struggling to push this archaic model on you, though.

To swindle your ass into getting jabbed, they've forced the government to
pay for them so you can get them "FREE."


Hell, I bet a bus driver can now administer the flu vaccine.

Get real. The flu shot isn't going to help you. USA Today recently
reported that, "This season's flu vaccine was almost completely

It's easy to understand why.

There are more types of flu than there are specks of sand on the beach.
One silly shot isn't going to help you build immunity to a vast array of
biological nasties.

But, there's a natural way to bolster your immune system.

If you want to build an indestructible defense against the flu, you need
all-natural, ANDROGRAPHIS.

Top medical schools are already publishing the incredible effectiveness
and safety of this all immune booster.

NYU Langone Medical Center writes, "Andrographis is a shrub found
throughout India and other Asian countries. It has been used historically
in epidemics, including the Indian flu epidemic in 1919 during which
andrographis was credited with stopping the spread of the disease."

Using the proprietary chemistry methods from Big Pharma, I've made
andrographis even more potent. Learn more and ward off the
myriad of flu bugs at

Flu bugs won't stand a chance if you take

Neither will you if you use the outdated flu vaccine...But, encyclopedias
over Ipads might be a good idea for the whole family!

Dare to Live Young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. A scientific analysis of similar andrographis products showed that
very few offer the full spectrum of ingredients required to provide any
protection. Therefore, as a medicinal chemist for over 20 years, I perfected
the cultivation and encapsulation methods of both andrographis paniculata
and coriander. The final product - - is verifiably the
most effective and powerful immunity aid on the market for anyone who wants
to shut down flu infection!