Subject: ~Protect Your Memory, Get BETTER Sleep! (Don't Miss Out!)

Hey Friend.

Not many people know this...

Poor sleep can lead to a slew of health problems…including memory moss!

In April 2017 the journal Neuron published a review confirming that,
"Beyond normative aging, sleep disruption is especially pervasive in
neurodegenerative dementias [memory loss]."

Translation? Toss and turn all night and you can suffer a wide range of
mental and physical disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease, heart disease,
obesity, diabetes, and stroke.

Without proper sleep, your body can't heal and rejuvenate itself.

The brain fails.

"Nearly every disease killing us in later life has a causal link to lack of
sleep," says Matthew Walker, senior author of the study and professor of
psychology and neuroscience at the University of California.

Damn straight.

Here's a quick way to tell if you're sleep-deprived — do you engage in
any of the following behaviors?

- hitting the snooze button multiple times after waking up
- falling asleep while watching movies or socializing
having low energy throughout the day
- Crave sweets
- Skipping breakfast
- being "forgetful"

If you're doing any of these, you're probably not getting enough quality

Each time you tolerate a night of poor sleep, you make it difficult, if not
impossible, for your body to repair everything that needs to be repaired.

…All of this is a great reason to supplement with valerian root every

Better known as "The Natural Knockout Pill," valerian is brimming with
organic, sedative compounds like valeric and valerenic acid that not only
aid in helping us sleep deeply… but also has proven to be nontoxic with
absolutely zero addictive properties.

Because it's not a drug, valerian root does NOT leave you feeling drugged.
Quite the opposite. It leaves users feeling refreshed and revitalized —
because it forces the body to engage in deeper, higher quality sleep.

My Serotonin FX formula ( is loaded with naturally
occurring valerian root. It's the supplement to use if you want guaranteed
high quality sleep. (Better than melatonin!)

It also contains L-Tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps stop
sugar cravings throughout the day. (Eating sugar can disrupt your quality
of sleep!)

Combined, these neurotransmitters aid in sleep, prevent anxiety and
depression, and stop cravings for simple carbohydrates and sugar.

Revitalize your sleep with

This natural pill leaves you with:

- No more sleepless nights.
- No more risky, addictive prescription drugs.
- No more mental vasectomies!

You won't be a zombie throughout the day, either. You won't "forget" where
you put your car keys!

It's one of the best forms of protection older adults can use to safeguard
their brain.

Don't tolerate another night of poor sleep. Try your first bottle of and see the difference. (Throw away risky sleep
drugs like Ambien and Lunesta, while you're at it.)

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. A recent study confirms that older adults need more quality sleep, not
less. Poor sleep can lead to brain failure — e.g., dementia, Alzheimer's
disease, and memory loss. Don't gamble with your brain health by tolerating
poor sleep. Protect your brain with — it induces
deep REM sleep needed to heal the brain and body.

P.P.S. Want to double down on your memory? Take what your body needs
every morning, Daily Dose! Loaded with boswellic acid and curcumin, Daily
Dose is clinically proven to activate the deepest parts of our memory and
protect it. Learn more at