Subject: Protect Against Heart Attack & Stroke


The doctor finally said you need to get your act together…

Your ticker is tocking like a race horse and the more your physician
talks, the more your blood pressure rises. He wants you to stop
eating pulled pork BBQ, southern fried chicken, French fries, and ice
cream. Golf might even be too aggravating, due to your poor putting

After years of living large, it appears you're doomed to a life of
popping meds for the heart, blood clots, and blood pressure.

…A few weeks of following doctors orders, and now you're asking the
doctor if Viagra is right for you. Ugh!

You thought you did a lot of drugs in college. Now you're a walking

But think about this…what if you didn't need all those medications?!?

As The People's Chemist, I ask the tough questions. Like "Does anyone
really f&#king need need heart meds?"

I started asking these questions over five years ago. Pushing aside
drug companies' advertising fiction and inflated egos, I found some
startling facts that I KNOW your doctor doesn't know about…

Fact #1: Heart Medications will put you into the "Fat Cow Hall of

Common blood pressure meds such as Atenolol (Tenormin) shunt the
metabolism by blocking fat burning switches known as beta receptors.
Once blocked by heart drugs, energy diminishes and the body burns
sugar while storing fat in your gut.

In other words, you become a fat @ss.

If you're taking any blood pressure pills, don't even think about
buying those swim trunks that are a little too tight – you'll grow
out of them in a week!

Fact #2: Heart Meds Kill Your Sex Drive

As if being put into The Fat Cow Hall of Fame wasn't bad enough, beta-
blockers also artificially cut off the blood supply to the chairman of
the board – your penis. It's as if he locked himself in his own offic
e and can't get out. By reducing blood pressure, there is nothing allo
wing him to defy gravity and "get up to join the party."

Fact #3: Blood Pressure Naturally Rises as We Age…So You DON'T Need
to Artificially Lower it with Drugs!

Your blood pressure doesn't need to be where it was when you were 18
years old!

It's normal for the top number of blood pressure (systolic) to be 100
plus your age. If you're 50, then your systolic should be 150. Taking
drugs to bring it down to 115 makes about as much sense as trying to f
it into the same shoe you wore when you were 10 years old.

Your blood needs to pump harder as you age to accommodate for the
increased need in oxygen and nutrients; if it didn't, your hands and
feet would turn blue and you'd start to die.

Fact #4: Drugs that Lower Blood Pressure Dumb You Down

These drugs cause mental fogginess. Hey, you can always blame shaving
a few strokes off your golf game on the drugs… If you can remember whe
re you hit the ball. Ever forget where you parked your car when you we
re ready to go home while on your meds? That's just the beginning.

Fact #5: Heart Disease is the Result of Inflammation Caused by a
Nutrient Deficiency

The entire cycle of premature heart attack and stroke can be
prevented – or at least slowed. To do this, you need to reduce or
eliminate the "artery butchers" from the blood, as taught in
Over-The-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition. (

I highly recommend reading this book. But if you're too lazy…and you
just want to go straight to the solution…then use my natural
supplement, Cardio FX, to protect against heart attack, stroke, and
other cardiovascular threats. (

Cardio FX is NOT a drug. It's a natural supplement that safely lowers
blood pressure, increases oxygen distribution throughout the body, and
makes your cardiovascular system more efficient.

In other words, it protects you from heart attack, stroke, and
cardiovascular disease.

Get the facts here:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. Cardio FX is also great for athletes who want better endurance
and oxygen uptake. If you're out of breath just from walking up a
flight of stairs, then you should probably think twice and give your
heart the natural supplement it needs. Order and
rest easy, knowing you're protecting your heart from threats.