Subject: [Prostate Health] Is PSA Real?!?

These days, you need a heavy duty bullshit detector to read the "news."

"A man has been ‘cured' of prostate cancer using an experimental therapy
that shocks tumours to death with the sex hormone testosterone," claims a
Fox News article.

On the surface, it sounds promising.

Professor Sam Denmeade, from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
in Baltimore, led a study of 47 participants. He said, "Our goal is to
shock the cancer cells by exposing them rapidly to very high followed by
very low levels of testosterone in the blood."

"All the men taking part in the pilot trial completed at least three cycles
of ‘bipolar androgen therapy,' which involved alternately flooding and
starving the body of testosterone. The treatment is revolutionary because
the hormone is generally assumed to fuel prostate cancer."

For real?!?

They thought that "alternately flooding and starving the body of testosterone"
among a paltry 47 men was a good idea for a study on cancer?

What about the side effects of heart disease and cancer, downstream?

What about the incredibly small study size?

Myopic thinking in medicine kills people…but it sells meds!

There's plenty more wrong with this news report...they used the wrong
indicator of cancer: PSA.

"Levels of Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) – a blood marker used to
monitor prostate cancer – fell in the majority of the 47 participants,
with one individual seeing his PSA levels drop to zero after three months.
He shows no remaining trace of the disease after 22 cycles of treatment and
appears to be cured," said the researchers.

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is total bullshit. Neither high or low
levels indicate anything about cancer…

But the medical community knows it can scare men by telling them they have
"a high PSA" and then invent a new word - bipolar androgen therapy - to sell
testosterone gels and shots…

Here are the facts:

Prostate drugs - testosterone too - rob you of your manhood, courtesy of
all the side effects that come with them (breast enlargement, shrinking
genitals, loss of sex drive, and enjoying chick flicks, to name a few).

Surgery, radiation, and reckless "therapies" are no better. No man wants to
be radiated, sliced, or diced down there.

There's a more precise way to protect your prostate — and that's by using
Palmetto+ (

As a chemist, I designed Palmetto+ to help men master their own prostate
health using simple "hormone intelligence." By providing the body with the
nutrients it needs, you create optimal hormone balance, output, and
sensitivity. Once achieved, the body automatically puts the smackdown
on all cancer cells.

The result is living young and feeling like your healthiest self.

Palmetto+ uses Mother Nature's natural cures to protect against an enlarged
prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer, and more!

Plus, it helps eliminate nighttime trips to the bathroom!

Be risk free and get Palmetto+ at:

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. The recent "news" about a man being cured of prostate cancer with
testosterone is just a ploy to get men drugged and medicated…by lowering
their "PSA level." Don't fall for the scam. Get the facts, protect your
prostate now: