Subject: Proof of Simple Joint Cure

From the Desk of The People's Chemist

Doctors Wanted to Take Vicki’s Wrist Apart... But Joint FX Gave Her a Smarter and Ultra-Inexpensive Way to Eliminate Pain!

Imagine that you suffer from debilitating wrist pain. You go to the doctor, seeking relief. And instead of giving you something to rebuild cartilage and stop the agony, he recommends a costly and dangerous surgery that could cost thousands of dollars...

That’s what happened to Vicki.

At age 56, she had painful cysts growing inside the delicate architecture of her left wrist.  Any slight movement ignites searing pain throughout the arm...When the pain strikes, it’s like a Marine fog horn going off.  It jolts you out of your skin and battling it takes all the energy you have.  Eventually, Vicki had to stop doing what she loves - Chinese martial arts and yoga.

Going Under the Knife

“I went to the doctor,” Vicki says. “They wanted to put me under anesthesia and disassemble my wrist to scrape out the cysts from between my bones, and then put it back together. Needless to say, I've been putting that off...for years now.”

Vicki also had a “worn out thumb joint” that got so painful, she couldn’t sleep at night. Her doctors encouraged her to fix that too – but their suggestions were like something out of a Stephen King horror movie, rather than a healthy solution.

Vicki adds: “I used to wear a $250 brace at night, because even knitting was killing me.” The brace was the only thing that stopped the pain.

...Then she discovered Joint FX.

Joint FX Saves Woman from Surgery, Brace, and Pain from Cysts

“I've been taking Joint FX for a while now (when I'm not giving it away to friends and turning them into fans) and the cysts are dissolving! VANISHING!!!

“The pain in my thumb joint...GONE. The $250 brace I used to wear at night...GONE.  

This isn’t surprising.  I designed Joint FX to dissolve painful cysts as well as the crystals that cause gout.  In addition it numbs pain and helps rebuild the padding in joints.

It’s a hell of a lot safer than surgery!

And to think – the alternative would have been an expensive, scary, operating in which her doctor hacked apart Vicki’s wrist like some mad scientist.  

Instead, Joint FX cost her less than the cost of a daily smoothie!

Joint FX Makes Even the Most INTENSE Joint Pain Vanish Like It Was Nothing 

With her pain erased, Vicki describes herself as “age 56 and counting BACKWARDS from here!”

“Please pass along my deepest gratitude to Shane,” she said in an email. “I take pretty much everything he sells. I'm losing weight, I'm feeling better, and I'm daring to live younger every day!”

I feel humbled to be able to provide a sane and effective solution to Vicki. But all she’s really doing is giving her body what it needs to replenish joint cartilage and soothe away nerve pain.

Using surgery to solve the problem (as her doctor suggested) would not only have been insane – it would have also been expensive and dangerous. In many cases, surgery doesn’t even solve the root problem.

I have to say, taking Joint FX was a good choice on Vicki’s part. 

If “Aging Fast” is NOT On your Bucket List... Take Joint FX  

Enduring ongoing joint pain is a great way to age quickly.

If you let the problem of achy joints persist, it may get to the point where it’s so painful, you can longer do basic activities like walking or exercising.

That said, I have just one question for you:

Would you rather have your joints sliced and diced by knife-wielding doctors – or take my Joint FX supplement to permanently soothe away joint pain?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Order Joint FX as fast as your fingers can click. Like Vicki, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by its ability to rapidly vanquish joint pain.



Learn more by clicking here:


About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at