Subject: ~Pregnancy should never cause lasting weight problems!


My wife and I recently celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary...Or
was it 14...16? (LOL)

Sharing a bottle of Casale del Giglio Mater Matuta, we used
that time to indulge in the many events we've
experienced over the years. That took us all the way
back to our first year together...

Lea-Ann was about 20 pounds heavier. I was well on my way to being a
fat dud of a husband, with testosterone low enough to qualify for
mini-vans and poker nights.

After suffering from hives and painful cramps, a doctor told Lea-Ann she
was suffering from depression and PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
His fat hands scribbled out a few prescriptions and we are out the door in
a matter of 8 minutes.

Fortunately, we weren't so ignorant to follow doctors orders.

We hoping for advice based on his clinical experience and studies
as a medical doctor...We were naive, but not stupid.

Today, we have three kids. And we've never used any meds outside
of an emergency.

Fortunately, my training as a medicinal chemist has paid for itself many
times over again...Especially when it comes to getting pregnant and helping
mom rebound to perfect health.

It's all done through a simple process known as hormesis.

You can see my wife's pics and learn how it works via my new
blog post at:

Having kids doesn't sentence you to obesity for life! Not even if
you have 3 or more. But, not understanding hormesis guarantees
you never lose the weight.

Learn all about it at:

Feel free to leave questions and comments, too!

Halfway into our second glass, Skyler needed a new diaper. Blair and
Lily were fighting over who finished their homework first and dinner needed
to be cooked...Life goes on, but only if you're healthy enough to enjoy
the memories it brings.

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

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