Subject: ~Pre-diabetes? Fix in 30 Days!

This is important for anyone who ever ate anything sweet...

Type II diabetes is a self-induced disease that arises when there’s too
much sugar in the blood (also known as “high blood glucose”).

The cause of diabetes is simply eating too much sugar. As the excess
floats aimlessly in the blood, it begins to wreak havoc on other hormonal
systems. Eventually, glucagon, testosterone, estrogen and leptin fail.
Obesity, heart disease and cancer soon follow, without question.

All of this “hormonal ignorance” can be fixed with three simple habits,
in about 30-90 days.

No joke. I've been helping people do it for 15 years.

But instead of curing it, the medical system and uncle Sam want you on
drugs…Oh yea, and so does Wall Street.

Once diagnosed as “diabetic,” patients are put on diabetes meds for life.
Boom…instant cash cow. Actos, metformin, insulin and cholesterol-lowering
meds are dished out. Your quality of life diminishes within days.

All of these meds and the orange bottles they come in should go in the

Yet, in an effort to get MORE people hooked on meds, the drug industry
created a term called “pre-diabetic.” This is nothing more than a
marketing ploy to scare people into taking meds.

Soon they will have pre-pre-diabetes. Hell, newborns will be pre-pre-pre
diabetic...I sound ridiculous, right? Well, so does pre-diabetes. Especially
when it's used to put people on meds!

There's an easy fix...

Stephanie wrote in this morning to say, “In January my doctor said I was
pre-diabetic. My fasting level was 112 (normal is 85-95) when I had my
annual blood test. I decided right then and there I wasn’t going down
that road.”

Anything over 125 mg/dL, and you’re considered a type 2 diabetic, or more
accurately, “insulin resistant.”

Unwilling to accept the fate of being “pre-diabetic,” Stephanie started
looking for natural cures.

“I ordered books on Amazon and was reading a lot,” she writes. “I saw
your book, ’Over-the-Counter Natural Cures’ pop up on Amazon. It
caught my attention.”

My book Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition has an entire
chapter on how to conquer diabetes with 3 simple steps — WITHOUT

But I’m going to give you the 3 steps here so you can get started

“I wish I would have found your book YEARS AGO!” says Stephanie. “My
sugar dropped to normal and I’ve lost 22 pounds.”

“Once I read your book, I ordered several more copies for family &
friends to pass out. I’m taking Cinnergy. I gave a gal in my office your
book and she’s now buying some of your products to get her husband off
anti-depressants. I’m spreading the word to anyone and everyone who’ll
listen….what a blessing your organization is. I wish the American public
would wake up. Thanks so much for your insight!”

Well done, Stephanie!

Unlike the typical moron who orders my book and never reads it, Stephanie
actually read the damn thing.

She gave her mom the book, too!

“I have to tell you my mom just called me because she was at her eye
doctor today. She has Macular Degeneration and I ordered the supplements
that your book recommends. The doctor told her, her eyes have actually
gotten better. She only had to have 1 shot in 1 eye. Needless to say she
was so excited, she was crying on the phone. THANK YOU FOR BEING THE

...back to the 3 steps.

Step one, quit sugar.

Step two, start taking my cinnamon and milk thistle combo, Cinnergy.
Quitting sugar alone won’t help your hormones. They will conspire
against you. Cinnergy forces your body to better utilize sugar, which
crushes cravings and the medical complications that come with diabetes!
Order at

Step 3, do my free 18-minute workout! The starter routine is actually only
6 minutes of actual exercise and you will feel and see the benefits within
two weeks! Google it after you buy Cinnergy at

“I LOVE YOUR EMAILS and everything they state,” Stephanie writes.
“They are very informative and have woken me up. I quit taking my
Atenolol (blood pressure drug) and Crestor (cholesterol-lowering drug) 3
months ago. I had to argue with the physician’s assist (or the
12-year-old, as I call her — cuz I’ve never seen the actual
doctor since I’ve been going there) about why I’m no longer taking
Crestor. I told her I was completely fine with my cholesterol levels!.
My triglycerides were low too!!!”

You guessed it… Over-the-Counter Natural Cures: Expanded Edition also
explains why “high cholesterol” is a fake disease, created by drug
companies in order to get people hooked on cholesterol meds like Crestor.
Are you starting to get the picture?!? Drug companies are just using you.

My book is chock full of these “Holy shit! I never knew that” facts
about prescription drugs.

Read the book and open your eyes to the truth. Doctors have been
prescribing you nonsensical medications that you don’t f&#king need.
Warning: You’ll want to throw away all your meds after reading this book!

Get informed at

Take charge of your health,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. Remember, being labeled as “pre-diabetic” is NOT a death sentence.
It’s just a way for medical community to get people hooked on diabetes
drugs. Soon they’ll have pre-pre-diabetes. Don’t fall for the scam.
Start taking