Subject: Potent, Natural Sleep Pill Under Attack!


This is a good lesson on how stupid people ruin
good things...

Hear me out.

I recently got an email saying, "My Serotonin FX
smells horrible. It's pungent and makes me fearful
of all your products. I've contacted my doctor...Am
wondering if I should contact FDA."

I understand the concern. Many people have been
shocked by the smell of my all-natural, deep sleep,
valerian product...But most aren't so f#$cking stupid
that they start reporting me for selling bad pills...

The intelligent among us dedicate a few minutes to
reading books, labels and blogs.

The odiferous aroma from Serotonin FX stems from
ultra-potent, volatile compounds that induce REM sleep.
This is a good thing because it rejuvenates and increases

That's what Serotonin FX is designed to do!!!!

Since it's the most potent product on the market,
it smells horrible!

...I'm talking nasty, like raw fish that's sat for days on the deck of
a boat in Florida.

That's a good thing!

Sadly, when complaints persist, I'm forced to halt sales!

Stop the stupidity.

Learn why Serotonin FX smells and how it shortens recovery time,
prevents depression and increases longevity at

Dare to live young,

The People's Chemist

P.S. If Serotonin FX goes off the market like so many other great products,
blame the nearest idiot. Stock up at