Subject: Potent Hawthorn Formula Preserves Heart!

Heart Attack Victim Trashes Heart Meds for This Heart Cure
I use Facebook to share success stories, almost daily. Highlighted above, a pacemaker patient shared the results of her visit to the cardiologist.  Another writes that she uses it to keep her BP in check.

Numbers don't lie.  

...And yet another email I received this morning reflects the vast benefits of using Cardio FX, my potent hawthorn blend for protecting the cardiovascular system.

At only 56 years old, Don had a heart attack. 

"My 'widow-maker artery' was 100% blocked," he explains.

Exercise Saved His Life…

Fortunately, emergency medicine saved him.  But prescriptions almost killed him.

"The doctors put me on all the normal meds – statins, beta-blockers, Plavix.  They made me feel tired and have many aches and pains," says Don.

And sadly, that's as far as most doctors will go after a patient has a heart attack. Instead of helping him address the root cause of the problem, Don's doctors slapped him on a diet of pills that actually weaken the heart long-term.

But Don wasn't about to resign himself to being stuck on cardio meds for the rest of his life.

Getting Off His Meds

"It's very hard and confusing to get any answers or true information from the medical doctors," says Don. "I started researching, to try to figure out why I had a heart attack other than the famous answer of 'family history.'"

Luckily, Don discovered my Cardio FX supplement, which protects against sudden heart attacks and preserves heart health. He learned that Cardio FX:
  • Busts through blood clots, 
  • Protects from strokes
  • Strengthens heart muscle
  • Dilates arteries to allow for better blood flow
In total Cardio FX keeps your blood pressure normal, so that you don't have to die early.

"I am now off all my heart meds and feeling great," says Don.

The fact that Don survived a serious heart attack was a miracle in and of itself. My only regret is that he hadn't heard of Cardio FX and started taking it sooner.

No More Worry with Cardio FX

Now at 60 years old, Don does a spinning class twice a week. He plans to begin some light weight training shortly.

"I love Cardio FX!" he says. "I've noticed a great increase in my stamina, especially during spinning class. I don't have that fatigue feeling anymore."

"Now that I'm taking Cardio FX, I have inner peace and no longer worry about clots or blockages. Exercise saved me from a major heart attack and will be a part of my life now, as will Cardio FX."

A Heart Attack Can Sneak Up on Anyone

You don't have to be 50 or 60 years old to get a heart attack.

It can sneak up on anyone – even someone in their 30s. Even someone who's not overweight can become a victim!

That's just the reality that comes along with having a beating heart - Your body NEEDS key nutrients to function properly and that's why Cardio FX works so well!

The good news is, you can protect yourself from the ominous threat of a heart attack by taking Cardio FX.

This life-saving supplement does wonders for your cardiovascular system. The longer you take it, the stronger your heart will be.

Start protecting your heart now.
Shane Ellison, MS
The People's Chemist

The People's Chemist, 3600 Cerrillos Dr. #301A-802, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507, United States
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