Subject: Potent Alternative to Flu Shot!


Have you heard about Lori in the news?

Lori Webb recently lost her son to the flu shot. In an interview she
described how she cut his hair for the last time. And, as he was taken off
life support, she told him the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff, just
as she did when he was a child.

'I can’t describe how hard it is to lose a child,' she said.

Her son, Chandler Webb, was 19 years old.

Nobody should die from medicine. It’s the first rule in health, “Do no

Somehow this message has been lost.

Supporters of the flu vaccine insist that the vast benefits of the flu shot
outweigh the risk.

What benefits could they be referring to?

The flu vaccine has proven worthless…

In 2007, the CDC reported that it had “no or low effectiveness” against
influenza or influenza-like illnesses. The data showed that the flu vaccine
protected no more than 14% of those who received it. And this wasn’t some
fluke. The vaccine is rarely any more effective than that.

Even The New York Times reports that, “The influenza vaccine, which has
been strongly recommended for people over 65 for more than four decades, is
losing its reputation as an effective way to ward off the virus.”

Doctors who do their homework understand that vaccines are ineffective. Dr.
Ira Goodman MD, FACS, ABHIM, a surgeon from Loyola Medical School is one of
them. Through email correspondence, he told me he is against vaccines
simply because “they don’t work!”

Vaccine supporters need to do their homework, better.

Lives are at stake.

The real way to avoid the flu is to boost the immune system. A fully
functioning immune system is perfectly able to ward off infection - viral
or bacterial!

The outstanding ability of our immune system to ward off infection,
naturally, was recently highlighted in Noble Prize winning science.
Scientists Bruce Beutler and Jules Hoffmann discovered that humans are
hard-wired with special receptors that recognize foreign invaders and
activate our immune response to protect us. It’s like having a massive,
protective army on watch around the clock.

But in order to activate these sentinels, you need to supply the body with
high-quality fuel derived from natural products that feed and nourish our
very complex immune system.

Decades of science show that the active ingredients in ImmuneFX -
andrographis and coriander extract - are the true answer for harnessing the
protective power of this ultra-potent, anti-infection machine.

When we take Immune FX, we end bacterial and viral infection without
risking our lives! No doubt, had Chandler web used Immune FX over the flu
shot, he’d still be here today...

Nobody should be dying to make this point!

As a chemist who has see medicine kill, first hand, I’ve been designing
alternatives for over 15 years, so that horrible outcomes like this don't happen!

Awareness of how our body functions and how to help it function are
critical to prosperity and longevity...And that's why I wrote, Over-The-Counter
Natural Cures!

Immune FX is the world’s most potent immune booster and “adaptogen.”
Nothing helps your body adapt and protect itself better.

Infection, allergies, auto-immune dysfunction...It all comes down to weak

Take it from one fan who fought psoriasis for years...

When the immune system is weak, it begins to attack healthy cells. In the
case of psoriasis, skin cells are attacked. Red, itchy inflammation
ensues. It’s horribly annoying and can lead to a lifetime of steroids
and other harsh drugs. But not for Ted. He chose Immune FX...

“I have had skin issues repeatedly, and was lead to a whole panel of
things I was allergic to.  But even after I stayed away from them I still
had flaring psoriasis issues.  I tried the Immune FX for 30 days and found
the concerns were reducing.”

“I stocked up with the buy 3 plan and then ramped up my dosage to two
pills twice daily.  My symptoms have been gone for a month now.”

“The dermatologist I had been seeing for 5 years told me the symptoms
would never go away and topical steroids were the only solution. I am so
happy with these products, I tell anyone who will listen (including you). 
Bravo and thanks for picking up my email.”


Science favors evidence, not hype.

Avoid the vaccine and antibiotic hype with a simple and inexpensive
alternative, Immune FX. At the link below, you can SAVE when you buy
a 3-pack. Get it and keep it on hand to prevent illness!

Learn more at

If you buy the 3 pack, Ill send you my book, Over-The-Counter Natural Cures,
for FREE! I WANT YOU TO LEARN MORE! Simply forward your receipt to

Learn more at

Dare to Live Young,

The People’s Chemist