Subject: Poor Nutrition not Genetics

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Health Brief: Disease due to Poor Nutrition not Genetics

The National Center for Health Statistics has shown that "only nine percent of all American adults consume enough healthy foods to reach their minimum recommended daily intake of nutrients to assure proper health!"  Verifying this claim, Johns Hopkins Medical School has repeatedly warned that "suboptimal nutrient intake is a widespread problem."  The end result has been a plague of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. 

Harvard University professor Walter Willett collected dietary data on more than 250,000 men and women for a period of 25 years.  Summing up his research findings he said "what we know is that the major causes of diseases in our country -- cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes -- are not genetic factors, as so many people believe and use as an excuse, but diets and lifestyle factors. We have documented that unhealthy diet and lifestyle account for more than 80 percent of heart disease, 90 percent of type II diabetes, and more than 70 percent of stroke and colon cancer."
