Subject: ~Poisoned in Kentucky!?

This isn't my first flight across the USA. As Blair and I bounce from
small town to small town, we're always confronted with the same

Lack of food.

The US is a food desert.

We have an obesity epidemic coupled to malnourishment.

That's because today's food isn't food.

If you’re eating anything served out of a window, box or package,
you’re eating “pharma food" - chemical concoctions created in a lab to
make you feel good, crave more, and eat too much.

And like any drug…Pharma food has side effects.

Think: high blood sugar, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, low libido, brain
fog, decreased sexual function, migraines, mood swings, cancer, fatigue,
“man boobs,” and more.

Blair and I are currently sitting in a laundromat, waiting for our clothes
to dry and the weather to clear...and we're hungry. (Fungry, actually.)

We have a million "food choices" around us, but nothing that won't make us
feel like shit.

It's a choice of hunger over being sick.

Which would you choose?

Chili's, Outback, McDonalds...General Mills cereals, Vitamin Water, Gatorade,
Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and anything with
preservatives, artificial flavors, or artificial colors — counts as pharma foods.

This highly processed garbage lines the shelves of America’s grocery
stores too, ready to poison the nearest shopper.

(I wrote about this ghastly phenomenon in my book “Over-the-Counter
Natural Cures Expanded.” I also outlined how to detox with Cinnergy
( so you wouldn't face the scourge of pharma food
in your later years. But first you have to break the addiction and deadly cycle
by following the protocol at

The threat of pharma food is just getting worse, as seen by the decline
in lifespan among those born in 2000 and beyond!

And the threat is growing worldwide.

The New York Times covered this in a chilling piece titled, “How Big
Business Got Brazil Hooked on Junk Food.”

“Nestlé sponsored a river barge that delivered tens of thousands of
cartons of milk powder, yogurt, chocolate pudding, cookies and candy to
isolated communities in the Amazon basin.”

Getting them off their native diet, Nestlé encouraged Brazilians to abandon
their tradition of eating real, healthy food…and start eating the company’s
packaged shit instead.

“As multinational companies push deeper into the developing world, they
are transforming local agriculture, spurring farmers to abandon subsistence
crops in favor of cash commodities like sugar cane, corn and soybeans —
the building blocks for many industrial food products.”

That's already happened in the US.

Now, Brazilians are eating it up…and the side effects are astonishing.

Ever since Nestlé entered the Brazilian market with their “pharma
foods,” obesity has shot up. In the span of one generation,
Brazil’s population has gone from starving and malnourished…to OBESE
and malnourished!

Sound familiar?

In 1980, only 7% of the Brazil population was obese.

In 2015, that number shot up to 18%.

This is similar to what happened in the U.S. In 1980, only 10% of Americans
were obese — compared to 27% obese in 2015.

Make no mistake: pharma foods are to blame for this rise in obesity.

(Vitamins have gone the same route, from natural to fake: find out
how to save yourself at

The human body wasn’t designed to digest or absorb counterfeit
food or vitamins...

Meanwhile, the food industry is delusional about the effects of their fake
food on people’s health!

“Nestlé executives say their products have helped alleviate hunger,
provided crucial nutrients, and that the company has squeezed salt, fat and
sugar from thousands of items to make them healthier.”

Critical nutrients?

That’s the biggest sales ploy of all time.

“There are now more than 700 million obese people worldwide, 108 million
of them children, according to research published recently in The New
England Journal of Medicine. The prevalence of obesity has doubled in 73
countries since 1980, contributing to four million premature deaths, the
study found.”

So let’s all stop blaming sugar, fat, and salt…and blame the real


Even Nestlé’s head of R&D admits obesity is a side effect of eating his
company’s foods: “Sean Westcott, head of food research and development
at Nestlé, conceded obesity has been an unexpected side effect of making
inexpensive processed food more widely available.”

“We didn’t expect what the impact would be,” he claims.

B.S…the whole purpose of a food scientist’s job is to conjure up
flavors that induce overeating.

Pharma foods are DESIGNED to cause people to overeat!

Don’t be a victim to this worldwide trend of growing obesity. DITCH the
pharma foods, drop the fat, and get your life back.

My 90-day program,, shows you exactly how to do that in
record time. You’ll master your hormones, achieve your best physique, and
lose inches off your waist.

It shows you what to eat, when to eat, and includes all supplements
necessary to make you NOT crave pharma foods anymore!

Beat the invisible status quo of rising obesity by ordering now:

Save yourself, work directly with The People's Chemist and get your
best body and health for just $4/day.

Meanwhile, I'm still starving...there are probably a million typos from my
low sugar brain spitting out this rant. Apologies. But seriously,
it's better to go hungry than be poisoned.

I'm fighting back with hunger strike...until I find a grocery store for some
raw eggs, water and an organic banana. Then it back in plane, westbound!

Ditch the meds,

The People’s Chemist

P.S. It’s not fat, sugar, or salt that makes people obese…it’s pharma
foods! (AKA DRUGS DISGUISED AS FOOD!) People have no idea they’re eating
meds for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. That includes Brazil, whose citizens
have been shoveling Nestle’s processed garbage in their mouths…and
becoming obese as a result.

Find out how to ditch the pharma foods, so you can get your weight and
health back on track — with