Subject: ~Pilot Successfully Weans From Meds

Military Pilot Weans Himself off Dangerous Blood Pressure Meds with Nature’s Heart Cure

Carey is a 36-year-old commercial and military pilot. He describes himself as healthy...

But there’s just one problem – he has high blood pressure.

Untreated, Casey’s blood pressure is 130/99. In an attempt to lower it, he tried a handful of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs purported to be “safe” and “effective” by the FDA.

“I tried diuretics, Angiotensin antagonists, ACE inhibitors, Calcium channel blockers (CCBs), Alpha-blockers,” says Carey. “None of it worked, and it messed with my heart rhythm.”

“I found Bystolic, a new beta blocker that actually did a very good job of lowering my blood pressure – but I had to take 10 mg to get it to work,” he adds. “On that dose, my regular resting heart rate was around 55.”

Carey’s story is reflective of many others I get via email.  Their blood pressure is too high, so doctors take the shotgun approach.  They dose them up with several types of medications, while forgetting the disabling side-effects.

Hypertension Meds Ensnare Millions of People into Big Pharma’s Financial Trap...

Designed to treat high blood pressure, hypertension medications are among the top 10 drugs prescribed in the U.S. Ironically, these drugs only make your health worse, not better.

Like a Venus fly trap catches flies, hypertension meds trap millions of people into Big Pharma’s prescription-drug “fun house.”

The “fun house” is where Big Pharma gets to enjoy billions of dollars from YOUR doctor mandated, drug addiction. They get to spend it on luxury cars, mansions, hookers, first class plane tickets – you name it.  When I was a chemist for the industry, I called it the “pharmaceutical lap dance.”  They get pleasured, you pay the price.

In the case of beta blockers like Bystolic – taking these pills ramps up your FAT storage. Patients who follow doctor’s orders and swallow beta-blockers have a 28% greater risk of suffering from type 2 diabetes, due to extreme fat gain.

That’s not something any military pilot - or real man - wants to deal with.

A Safer Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Even though Bystolic seemed to work temporarily for Casey, he was still putting himself at great risk for other health problems by continuing to swallow this drug.

He knew he wanted to get off blood pressure meds, and get away from Big Pharma in general.

Casey found The People’s Chemist for the first time in an online ad on the AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association) website. Intrigued, he ordered Cardio FX, my ground-breaking supplement for amazing heart health.

“I started off with 2 capsules of Cardio FX, and cut my medication dose in half.”

In only a weeks time, CardioFX kicked in.  

“My blood pressure now runs around 116/77 continuously,” he says. “It’s never been that good before. When I go in for a flight physical now, I don't have to worry about being over the dreaded 140/90 or being overmedicated!”

Cardio FX Will NOT Mess With Your Heart Rhythm

As I’ve mentioned in my past writings, cardiovascular drugs (including hypertension / high blood pressure meds) are best suited to be used in times of EMERGENCY. They should not be used daily. 

Even though Big Pharma would love for you to develop a costly, daily drug habit, you don't have to get trapped by their greed or their insanity.

The better way to boost your heart health and lower your blood pressure is to take Cardio FX.

Beat High Blood Pressure Without Pharmaceutical Drugs

I’m proud to say that tens of thousands of my customers have successfully weaned themselves off blood pressure meds, simply by using Cardio FX.

Whether you’re a military pilot concerned with passing a flight physical, or an athletic person wanting to go harder on your workouts (without stressing your heart), Cardio FX is a great investment for your ticker.

When you consider that your heart is responsible for pumping millions of gallons of blood through your veins over the course of your life, it only makes sense to give this vital organ exactly what it needs to stay strong.

Take control of your blood pressure and super-charge your heart health with Cardio FX. 



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About this Newsletter

Natural Cures Watchdog is published by Shane "The People's Chemist" Ellison. He is an award-winning chemist with a masters degree in organic chemistry and author of Over-The-Counter Natural Cures, winner of the Pinnacle Book Achievement Award. This is a FREE service so that NOBODY IS LEFT BEHIND. Please join him in his efforts to educate the laymen by FORWARDING this email to your friends and loved ones. You can sign up at